Photo Credit: Settlers Cove State Recreation Site

Where To Stay In Ketchikan

Fishing Lodges View All

Season: May–September $4,050+ per person for 3 nights, 2 days of adventure 3 nights

Mix­ing upscale mod­ern and Alaskan rus­tic, Salmon Falls Resort over­looks the water 15 min­utes out­side Ketchikan in the foothills of the Ton­gass Nation­al For­est. Its seclud­ed spot at the end of the Ton­gass High­way makes for a qui­et, serene get­away. And while the resort is famous for its world-class fish­ing, it’s a place that every­one can enjoy.

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Hotels & Lodges View All

Season: May–September $149+ 1+ nights

Set on the water, this rus­tic, icon­ic Ketchikan hotel was recent­ly remod­eled and is ide­al for inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers who want to be close enough to town to enjoy it. The bright, cheery rooms fea­ture two twin beds or one dou­ble, and views of the ocean or gar­den. The inn’s restau­rant com­bines a fun Alas­ka dive bar expe­ri­ence with great bar bites, local beers on tap, and ocean­front views of the Ton­gass Narrows.

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RV Parks & Campgrounds View All

Set­tlers Cove State Recre­ation Site offers two of the best sandy beach­es to be found in the Ketchikan area and pro­vides pit toi­lets and shel­tered and unshel­tered pic­nic tables with fire grates. A camp­ground with eight camp­sites is avail­able as well and one pub­lic-use cab­in on the water that can be rented.

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Public Use Cabins View All

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The only state pub­lic use cab­in on the Ketchikan-area road sys­tem, this pop­u­lar 1216 cab­in fea­tures one of the region’s few acces­si­ble sandy beach­es. Hik­ing trails, salmon view­ing, sports fish­ing, excel­lent kayak­ing and wildlife view­ing all con­tribute to the cabin’s rep­u­ta­tion as a remark­able base for recre­ation in a serene coastal rain for­est setting.

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12′ x 14′ cab­in in Misty Fiords Nation­al Mon­u­ment east of Ketchikan

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Rus­tic style 12ft x 14ft Pan Abode cab­in. Main­land near the north­west bound­ary of Misty Fiords Nation­al Mon­u­ment Wilderness. 

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Bed & Breakfasts View All

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