Porcupine River Points

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Porcupine River Points

The fru­gal will like­ly forego a float­plane pick­up and will go all the way to the Yukon Riv­er and up it a ways to the town of Fort Yukon where com­mer­cial flights are sched­uled in and out. This takes a com­mit­ted group as the last hun­dred miles are a mean­der through the Por­cu­pine and Yukon Flats. The Sheen­jek will take you to the Por­cu­pine Riv­er and then down to near the Yukon Riv­er, where you can go up the Suck­er Riv­er to a point near town.

Take out here and catch a reg­u­lar com­mer­cial air­line flight to Fairbanks.

Raft­ing par­ties will want to start in Old Crow, while inflat­able kayaks are well suit­ed for the Eagle and Bell Riv­er sec­tions. To begin the jour­ney you will need to get to White­horse or Daw­son, Yukon Ter­ri­to­ry, Cana­da by dri­ving or by fly­ing com­mer­cial air­lines. From either of these cities you can char­ter a flight in to Old Crow.

Raft­ing par­ties will want to start in Old Crow, while inflat­able kayaks are well suit­ed for the Eagle and Bell Riv­er sec­tions. To begin the jour­ney you will need to get to White­horse or Daw­son, Yukon Ter­ri­to­ry, Cana­da by dri­ving or by fly­ing com­mer­cial air­lines. From either of these cities you can char­ter a flight in to Sum­mit Lake on the Bell River.