Where To Stay In Fairbanks
With a wide range of accommodation options, Fairbanks offers something for everyone. Book a downtown hotel for convenient access to city amenities such as restaurants, shops, and activities. Or choose to stay in an enchanting, remote lodge, where you can witness the aurora borealis away from city lights. Whether you prefer the comfort of a hotel, the tranquility of a campground, or the charm of public-use cabins, these are our recommendations for your Fairbanks stay.
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Where to Stay in Fairbanks
Hotels & Lodges View All
This resort is a colÂlecÂtion of priÂvate cotÂtages set along the scenic Chena RivÂer. The ownÂers wantÂed to creÂate a priÂvate expeÂriÂence that was also conÂveÂnientÂly locatÂed, and that encourÂaged guests to expeÂriÂence the outÂdoors. River’s Edge Resort does just that. The locaÂtion is not far from town, but just outÂside each cotÂtage guests can take a walk along the rivÂer or enjoy the floÂral disÂplays across the property.
LocatÂed on a quiÂet ridgeÂline outÂside of FairÂbanks, the BoreÂalis BaseÂcamp offers 20 eleÂgant igloos and a new vilÂlage with 5 auroÂra-viewÂing cubes, includÂing a famÂiÂly suite cusÂtom-designed and specifÂiÂcalÂly posiÂtioned to maxÂiÂmize your viewÂing of the NorthÂern Lights. You’ll also have the chance to take advanÂtage of the camps many winÂter activÂiÂties like dogsledÂding, snowÂmaÂchinÂing, snowÂshoeÂing, and fat-tire biking.
ModÂern and stylÂish, the WestÂmark FairÂbanks Hotel is conÂveÂnientÂly sitÂuÂatÂed in downÂtown FairÂbanks. The hotel boasts 400 guest rooms, yet proÂvides the perÂsonÂal serÂvice of a small hotel. FeaÂtures include spaÂcious rooms, a fitÂness cenÂter, two new restauÂrants, and free Wi-Fi. Relax in your room or go for a stroll through the hotel’s fresh herb garden.
Stay at the BridgeÂwaÂter Hotel, and you’re getÂting a front row seat on downÂtown Fairbanks.
At A Taste of AlasÂka lodge you’ll find comÂfortÂable, modÂern accomÂmoÂdaÂtions. This quaint lodge feels more like a B&B, but has all of the priÂvaÂcy of a hotel.
You’re just a few minÂutes from downÂtown FairÂbanks and all the major shopÂping sights, but at this 157-room resort hotel — part of the city’s renowned FounÂtainÂhead Hotels famÂiÂly— you’ll feel like you’ve found a quiÂet place in the wilderness.
Sophie StaÂtion Suites has 149 suites that are perÂfect for busiÂness travÂelÂers or vacaÂtionÂing famÂiÂlies. All are one-bedÂroom units and come with a balÂcony and full kitchen. And if you don’t want to cook, you can get all three meals at the restauÂrant, Zach’s.
Pike’s WaterÂfront Lodge in FairÂbanks sits along the banks of the beauÂtiÂful Chena RivÂer. Inside, you’ll find comÂfortÂable accomÂmoÂdaÂtions; outÂside are beauÂtiÂful garÂdens and a greenÂhouse growÂing letÂtuce, strawÂberÂries, and tomaÂtoes. Dine inside, or out on the waterÂfront deck. The hotel also has Wi-fi, to help you stay conÂnectÂed while on vacation.
Set on the banks of the Chena RivÂer, the 328-room FairÂbanks Princess Hotel boasts all the atmosÂphere of a wilderÂness lodge, yet it’s also one of the city’s most luxÂuÂriÂous propÂerÂties. It’s also conÂveÂnientÂly locatÂed, close to the airÂport, shops, and restauÂrants. You can take a shutÂtle downÂtown to enjoy the sites, or enjoy walkÂing around the varÂiÂous garÂdens and trails on the lodge propÂerÂty. When it is time to dine, enjoy the eleÂgant Edgewater ...more
Set outÂside of the downÂtown busÂtle in a natÂuÂralÂly woodÂed enviÂronÂment, the resort’s lodge-style buildÂings are spread out across 30 acres. Walk the meanÂderÂing paths, which are puncÂtuÂatÂed by flower garÂdens, or explore an old miner’s cabÂin. Inside the hotel, the ​“home-suite-home” 1- and 2‑bedroom suites are a great option for groups and families.
Bed & Breakfasts
At A Taste of AlasÂka lodge you’ll find comÂfortÂable, modÂern accomÂmoÂdaÂtions. This quaint lodge feels more like a B&B, but has all of the priÂvaÂcy of a hotel.
RV Parks & Campgrounds
If you’re a camper, you’re familÂiar with the famous KOA brand. And the Fairbanks/​Chena RivÂer KOA — America’s northÂernÂmost KOA campÂground — offers a great opporÂtuÂniÂty to camp along the shimÂmerÂing Chena RivÂer, surÂroundÂed by the lush Alaskan landÂscape. Choose from 150 full hookup RV sites and 4 tent sites.
170 site RV Park and CampÂground on the banks of the Chena River