Flavor & Texture:
- Known for its orange-red flesh
- Delicate flavor
- Firm texture
- The second largest of the 5 Alaska Salmon species
- Average weight is 12 pounds
- Length ranges from 25 to 35 inches
- Generally marketed in whole, steak, or fillet forms
Preparation Tips:
- An excellent choice for grilling, broiling, sautéing, roasting, poaching, steaming, and smoking
Harvesting Methods:
- Trolling
- Gillnetting
- Purse Seining
Nutrition Facts:
- Excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids
- Excellent source of high quality protein
- Low in saturated fat
- Excellent source of selenium and phosphorus and a good source of potassium
Serving Size 3.5 OZ.
- Calories140
- Protein 23g
- Fat 4g
- Saturated Fat 1g
- Sodium 60mg
- Cholesterol 55mg
- Omega-3 1100mg