Just off of Macinnes and E 36th, David Green Park has one of the coolest, old-school playgrounds in town. Made primarily of big timbers, the play complex has several platforms that are connected with bridges, monkey bars and pathways. A handful of fun games, such as tic-tac-toe, adorn the walls of the structure and a nearby swing set rounds out the playground. All of this is set back from the roadway under large trees, and has ready access to a grassy field and covered pavilion.
Parking is available for 16 cars. A portable restroom may be available from May to August. Playground equipment for 5-12 year olds that is ADA accessible. Large, grassy field, shelter.
This park was originally named Crescent Park and renamed in 1989 to honor David Green for his family values and special place in his heart for children. In 1997 a group of businesses, organizations, and volunteers stepped forward to fund and build the playground that currently exists.