The structure, which would eventually become known as the Swetman House, was originally built on a steeply graded site against Mount Marathon. This "cottage” was constructed in 1916 as the personal residence of local artist-craftsman-builder; Gerhard Johnson. One of his many forms of construction artistry was the use of stucco on exteriors of buildings; which earned him the nickname of "Stucco” Johnson.
The Stucco Johnson “cottage ” became the Swetman House when Johnson sold the structure to Elwyn Swetrnan, in 1920 or 1921. A condition of the sale was that Johnson would move the structure to Swetman's lot. Elwyn Swett-Ilan arrived in Seward July 1919 to work as a pharmacist. In 1920, he purchased Seward Drug Company and in 1921 formed a partnership in an undertaking business. Also that year, he married Violet Triplett who had come to Seward from Spokane to teach school. The Swetmans were active citizens, both in civic affairs and business, which included mining and banking. Both took a personal interest in the Seward Public Library.
The Swetman House is considered the architectural design gem of Seward. Of modest dimensions, 17 feet 6 inches by 25 feet, this structure sits on a full concrete basement and has two floors plus an attic. Stucco Johnson's artistry is evident throughout the structure, particularly in its unique wood frame design, the exterior of which is covered with protective stucco.
Elwyn Swetman died in 1951. Ownership of their 50-year residence was passed by will to the Seward Community Library Board upon Violet Swetman's death in 1976. In 1979, the board sold the property to a private party.