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Mulchatna River Points
This hike takes you up the historical wagon road to the top of the mountain, where you’ll find the ruins of mine buildings. Start by hiking along the Root Glacier Trail until a NPS junction sign points you right up the mountain. You’ll ascend about 2,000 feet (1.5 – 2 hours) before rising above the tree line; even if you go no further, the view is worth the effort. However, you can also continue up another 2,000 – 3,000 feet to the top, where the… ...more
You could fly in to the river near Dummy Creek, as well, and have a 140-mile trip without any significant rapids and great fishing. There is a place near Dummy Creek that is suitable for a floatplane to land and makes for an 80-mile trip from Turquoise Lake.
The river is big and mostly a single channel as it runs past some old village ruins on the right side of the river and a few miles further is the village of New Stuyahok which sits on the right side of the river at GPS N 59.45 degrees by W 157.32 degrees. The airstrip is a half-mile from the river and just downstream of the town site.
The long trip is to go all the way to New Stuyahok on the Nushagak River where there are regularly scheduled commercial flights available.