Mulchatna River Points

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Mulchatna River Points

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 6 miles

This hike takes you up the his­tor­i­cal wag­on road to the top of the moun­tain, where you’ll find the ruins of mine build­ings. Start by hik­ing along the Root Glac­i­er Trail until a NPS junc­tion sign points you right up the moun­tain. You’ll ascend about 2,000 feet (1.5 – 2 hours) before ris­ing above the tree line; even if you go no fur­ther, the view is worth the effort. How­ev­er, you can also con­tin­ue up anoth­er 2,000 – 3,000 feet to the top, where the…  ...more

You could fly in to the riv­er near Dum­my Creek, as well, and have a 140-mile trip with­out any sig­nif­i­cant rapids and great fish­ing. There is a place near Dum­my Creek that is suit­able for a float­plane to land and makes for an 80-mile trip from Turquoise Lake.

The riv­er is big and most­ly a sin­gle chan­nel as it runs past some old vil­lage ruins on the right side of the riv­er and a few miles fur­ther is the vil­lage of New Stuya­hok which sits on the right side of the riv­er at GPS59.45 degrees by W 157.32 degrees. The airstrip is a half-mile from the riv­er and just down­stream of the town site.

The long trip is to go all the way to New Stuya­hok on the Nusha­gak Riv­er where there are reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled com­mer­cial flights available.