Nowitna River Points

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Nowitna River Points

To get to the riv­er you must first get to Ruby or Gale­na, two large Yukon Riv­er vil­lages. This can be done with reg­u­lar com­mer­cial air flights from Fair­banks or Anchor­age. From either Ruby or Gale­na you can char­ter a float­plane, most like­ly a DeHav­i­land Beaver, and fly to the area of Mead­ow Creek where a straight stretch of riv­er makes for easy land­ings and take­offs. Where Mead­ow Creek joins the Novi the riv­er exits an area of muskeg and bog…  ...more

Have a pre­arranged pick­up by float­plane at a point just above where the Novi meets the Yukon. You should check with your pilot on the flight in, about where to meet up for the take out.

It might save a few dol­lars to con­tin­ue down the Yukon an addi­tion­al 45 miles to the town of Ruby where you can then fly back to Fair­banks on a reg­u­lar com­mer­cial flight.