Kachemak Bay State Park Points

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Kachemak Bay State Park Points

Difficulty: Moderate

For a longer day hike, add this pop­u­lar route to the Glac­i­er Lake Trail loop. You’ll pick up the trail head­ing south down the Sad­dle Trail, then climb a steep ridge above tree-line to alpine tun­dra, with great views of Kachemak Bay, Grew­ingk Glac­i­er, and the glacial val­ley. In August, you’ll find ripe blue­ber­ries. Retrace your steps and con­tin­ue down the Sad­dle Trail to the Hal­ibut Cove pick­up. It is 5 miles out and back, plus Glac­i­er Lake…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile Elevation Gain: 1632 feet

Note: To get to the sum­mit you most get to the Sum­mit Junc­tion, and con­tin­ue the final .3 miles from there. The trail begins .5 miles beyond Chi­na Poot Lake. The ele­va­tion gain tells it all — 1632 feet in just over a mile! This trail does­n’t mess around. It is dif­fi­cult but can be fun. Right from the trail junc­tion, the trail will climb straight up, with no tra­vers­ing or switch­backs. The trail climbs over exposed tree roots, sev­er­al slick…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile

This trail is short and steep through thick for­est that leads to incred­i­ble sce­nary. The trail­head can be reached via the high­est point of the Lagoon Trail, two miles from the ranger sta­tion. Rock cairns mark the trail to an open alpine ridge, where the trail gen­tly climbs to a sum­mit that has some of the finest views any­where of Kachemak country.

Difficulty: Difficult

This trail winds along Hal­ibut Cove and pass­es though to Hal­ibut Creek delta, a wet bog­gy sec­tion. The riv­er can be ford­ed at low tide but may be dif­fi­cult to cross at oth­er times. The trail con­tin­ues on to lead you to Chi­na Poot Lake Trail, should you choose to go on.