Planking is a traditional Northwest-style of cooking using aromatic pieces of wood. It’s a great way to add subtle flavors to your wild Alaska Seafood. Many stores sell pre-cut planks now, but it’s just as easy to make your own.
Easy Planked Seafood
- Go to your local hardware store and purchase untreated lumber.
- Cut planks into any size you desire.
- The best wood choices for planking are Cedar, Alder and Oak.
- Presoak the plank in water for 30 minutes – two hours.
- Pat planks dry with paper towels and spray-coat or lightly oil one side of the plank.
- Season seafood lightly with an herb blend or just salt and pepper. Go easy, as you don’t want to overpower the flavor you will get from the plank.
- Preheat the grill to medium-high.
- Place the planked seafood on the grill over indirect heat and close the lid.
- Turn the heat down to medium.
- Check seafood frequently after 10 minutes.
- Seafood changes from translucent to opaque as it cooks and will continue to cook after it is removed from the heat. Cook just until opaque throughout.
- Serving: the plank provides a beautiful, organic-looking platter for serving.