Yukon River Drainage Fishing Spots

This area consists of the southern section of the Dalton Highway and the area around Fairbanks. The primary species in this area is arctic grayling, but char and rainbow trout can also be caught in stocked lakes. There are a few salmon present, but all would be in a deep spawning phase and thus not good for consumption.

Available Species: Arctic Grayling, Arctic Char, Rainbow Trout, Burbot, Whitefish, Northern Pike

Hot Spots: South Fork Bonanza Creek, Grayling Lake, South Fork Koyukuk River, Jim River

Also See: Our Dalton Highway Driving Guide or recommended Fishing Charters.

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Fishing Spots

Here you’ll find oppor­tu­ni­ties for swim­ming, fish­ing, boat­ing and camp­ing. Camp­sites are set among the trees and in open grassy areas. Explore fur­ther afield to find blue­ber­ry and cran­ber­ry bush­es along the path around the pond. 

Chena Lake has two dis­tinct per­son­al­i­ties: The Lake Park and The Riv­er Park. Both have camp­grounds. At the lake, find swim­ming, boat rentals, boat launch, fish­ing docks, camp­sites, pic­nic areas, & more.

Fish­ing spot for arc­tic grayling and white­fish acces­si­ble from the Dal­ton Highway.

Fish­ing spot for arc­tic grayling along the Dal­ton Highway.

Arc­tic Grayling fish­ing spot that can be accessed from the Dal­ton Highway.

Fish for Arc­tic grayling, bur­bot, and white­fish. South Fork of Bonan­za Creek is acces­si­ble from the Dal­ton Highway.

Arc­tic grayling, bur­bot, and white­fish. Salmon are also present, but sport fish­ing for salmon is prohibited. 

There’s a large road­side pull­out at mile 149 of the Dal­ton High­way. Fish for Arc­tic grayling.

Arc­tic grayling, pike, and whitefish.