Clearwater Lakes Points

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Clearwater Lakes Points

This out­let has very lit­tle cur­rent and is an easy pad­dle up into the lakes where you can then use the boat launch at the far south­ern end of the lake. There are a few dead end lake sloughs but if you go all the way to the south end, you will find the pub­lic boat launch and the short road back to the Jack War­ren Road. This option elim­i­nates run­ning the much big­ger, stronger, thus trick­i­er Tanana River.

From Fair­banks you will want to dri­ve the Richard­son High­way, 3 hours south along the Alcan towards Delta, Alas­ka. At mile 141.5 of the Alas­ka High­way turn left onto Jack War­ren Road and on to Rem­ing­ton Road for 8.5 miles till you reach the Clear­wa­ter State Recre­ation Area, where there is a quaint 17-site camp­ing area and a boat launch. Fish­ing is known to be great for grayling.

The mighty Tanana Riv­er is a cold, silt riv­er of many chan­nels with poten­tial sweep­ers and log­jams to be on the look out for. After 28 miles the Tanana flows beneath the Alas­ka High­way Bridge just above the con­flu­ence with the big Delta Riv­er. Take out is on the left shore away from the secu­ri­ty zone of the Alaskan Oil Pipeline, which also cross­es the river.