Squirrel River Points

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Squirrel River Points

To get to the riv­er you have to fly and this can be done by dri­ving to Cold­foot, where an out­fit­ter can take you direct­ly to the riv­er put in, or you can take a reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled com­mer­cial flight from Fair­banks to either Kotze­bue, where you can char­ter a plane, or take anoth­er com­mer­cial flight to Kiana. From there you will need to char­ter a plane to take you to the put in at a grav­el bar along­side the riv­er. The upper sec­tion of riv­er may…  ...more

Float an addi­tion­al 100 miles to the vil­lage of Kiana on riv­er right.

From here you can catch a com­mer­cial flight back to Kotze­bue or per­haps on to Fair­banks, depend­ing on the air­lines schedules.

From here, char­ter a flight back to Fairbanks. 

After 45 miles the Squir­rel Riv­er con­flu­ence is seen on riv­er right and this marks your spot to get along the right shore, as Kiana is only a cou­ple miles fur­ther down. The airstrip is back away from the riv­er but there are locals who will offer to help you move your gear to where it is. Check at the local store for assis­tance and offer to pay some­one 20 bucks to use their 4‑wheeler.

From here you can catch a com­mer­cial flight back to Kotze­bue or per­haps on to Fair­banks, depend­ing on the air­lines schedules.

A flight to Kotze­bue is eas­i­ly arranged from here.

From here, char­ter a flight back to Fairbanks.

At times of low water you will need to start at the con­flu­ence with the North Fork, espe­cial­ly if you are raft­ing. From here it is a 56-mile run to the take out.