Pioneer Park  (2:07)

Experience the interior of Alaska 100 years ago! Pioneer Park is a historic village that features original buildings moved from downtown Fairbanks, as well as museums, and the Gold Rush. Come enjoy the carousel and train that runs the perimeter of the park, an array of local shops, and rustic cabin restaurants. Stay for a couple of hours or spend a full day; Pioneer Park offers fun for the whole family. To see upcoming events or to book a reservation within the park, please visit their website.

What It’s Like

In Summer

From Memorial Day until Labor Day, enjoy the museums, take a spin on the carousel, explore the historic Gold Rush Town, and hop on the train that chugs around the park. Art lovers can peruse the fine sculptures and paintings in Bear Gallery, which is in the Centennial Center. Shoppers can browse the stores located in the agrestic cabins and grab a bite to eat at one of the restaurants which range from American to Mediterranean. Enjoy your meal at one of the picnic tables along the river, next to the playgrounds or throughout the park. Afterwards, drop by The Mining Valley, where old pieces of equipment and interpretive signs give you a great feel for what local mining was like. Grab duck feed from the Pick-n-Poke and feed the ducks that nest in the pond nearby. Be sure to stay for the nightly Salmon Bake and dinner show about the colorful characters who came here in search of gold.

Feeling active? Play the 3-hole disc golf course, mini golf, bocce ball, corn hole, and horseshoes. Or rent a canoe, kayak, or bike with Canoe Alaska (link: and cruise the Chena River.

In Winter

Pioneer Park is open all winter! While the shops and restaurants close for the season, you can still walk around and get a feel for Alaska’s early years while walking the Gold Rush Town and reading the placards about the cabin’s origin stories. It’s also a good place to get into the holiday spirit; there’s a tree-lighting ceremony on the Saturday after Thanksgiving each year, and the holiday lights stay up through March. And don’t miss a stop at the Bear Gallery (winter hours: 12 p.m.–6 p.m. Tuesday–Saturday) to check out the fine art on display.

The History

Pioneer Park opened in 1967 as part of the Alaska ‘67 Centennial Exposition, celebrating the 100th anniversary of Alaska’s purchase from Russia. The park featured a zoo and rides in those early days, when it was known as Alaska 67 and then Alaskaland. The name was changed to Pioneer Park in 2001, to reflect its focus on history.

The surrounding area also has a fascinating past. Along the park’s northern border lies the Chena River, a name of Athabascan origin derived from “che” (meaning “stick”) and “na” (meaning “river”)—the Stick River. It was this river that Fairbanks’ founding father, E.T. Barnette, traveled up in 1901. He was searching for the town of Tanana Crossing (now called Tanacross), where he hoped to establish a trading post. But his boat, the Lavelle Young, hit a sandbar, and he was forced to spend the winter along the banks of the Chena River. The following spring, miner Felix Pedro found gold in the surrounding hills, and Barnette decided to stay and establish his trading post there. That early community was known as Barnette’s Cache. Within a year, however, it became known as Fairbanks, named after Indiana Senator Charles Fairbanks (who went on to serve as Theodore Roosevelt’s Vice President during Roosevelt’s second term).

Getting There

Airport Way & Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99701

By Car: Entering town via the Parks Highway, heading east, exit onto Airport Way, turn left onto Peger Road, then take a right on the Airport Way Frontage Road, and enter into the Pioneer Park parking lot on the left.

Driving Directions

Prices & Dates

Season Memorial Day - Labor Day

Show Map

Points of Pioneer Park

A Fair­banks fam­i­ly favorite, the play­ground is locat­ed at the cen­ter of the park and is designed for sev­er­al age groups with an ani­mal train, swings, spi­ral slide, net climber, and addi­tion­al play areas.

Look­ing for a relaxed din­ner after a busy day of adven­tures? Head to the Alas­ka Salmon Bake — the only one in Fair­banks — where you’ll enjoy an array of fine din­ing, sur­round­ed by a his­toric park filled with rus­tic build­ings and min­ing equip­ment. Take your pick of fire grilled Alaskan salmon, beer bat­tered cod, or prime rib, cooked to perfection. 

These music per­for­mances are spon­sored by the Fair­banks Arts Asso­ci­a­tion. They are held at the gaze­bo through­out the sum­mer. Bring a chair or blan­ket to sit on as bench seat­ing is limited.

The Alas­ka Cen­ten­ni­al Cen­ter for the Arts was built in 1967 and designed to resem­ble a south­east Alas­ka trib­al hall. The masks on the out­side rep­re­sent ani­mal spir­its. Many peo­ple think the build­ing looks more like a birth­day cake, which is fit­ting since it was built for Alaska’s 100th birth­day. Some Fair­banksans also refer to the cen­ter as the Pick­le Bar­rel. The Alas­ka Cen­ten­ni­al Cen­ter for the Arts is rumored to be haunted.

On the north side of the park along the edge of the Chena Riv­er, Canoe Alas­ka pro­vides one of Fair­banks’ few, out­door fam­i­ly adven­ture activ­i­ties. Canoe Alas­ka rents kayaks, canoes, and bicy­cles for half-days, a day, or by the week.

Lov­ing­ly owned and oper­at­ed by Roela Olsen since 2006, this carousel is fun for the whole fam­i­ly and Roela also offers treats and drinks next to the carousel dur­ing the open sea­son! Accord­ing to the Nation­al Carousel Asso­ci­a­tion this mer­ry-go-round was built in the 1930’s. The carousel trav­eled via the Alaskan High­way to make its debut in the Gold­en Heart Plaza for the Sil­ver Anniver­sary of the Fair­banks North Star Borough. 

Pio­neer Hall was designed in 1966 to rep­re­sent a fine 1900’s era build­ing. It hous­es the Pio­neer Muse­um and The Big Stam­pede Theater.

The mis­sion of the Pio­neer Air Muse­um is to col­lect, pro­tect, and pre­serve for edu­ca­tion­al pur­pos­es objects that reflect the his­to­ry of inte­ri­or and arc­tic Alaskan avi­a­tion through acquir­ing, restor­ing, inter­pret­ing, and dis­play­ing his­tor­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant objects. View log­books, cloth­ing, maps, ear­ly flight instru­ments, and air­craft sport­ing skis and floats adapt­ed to rugged Alaskan runways.

The River­boat SS Nenana is a stern­wheel­er, nick­named the Queen of the Yukon.” She was com­mis­sioned by the Alas­ka Rail­road and built in 1933. The boat is cur­rent­ly under­go­ing restora­tion. The stern­wheel­er is the sec­ond largest wood­en hull ves­sel in the world, and was named a Nation­al His­tor­i­cal Land­mark in 1989.

Vis­i­tors can pur­chase tick­ets to hop aboard the Crooked Creek Whiskey Island Rail­road encir­cling Pio­neer Park and pulled by Old 67. It’s just $3 for adults and $2 for seniors and kids under 12 (lap babies are free). The train runs every 15 min­utes dur­ing the open sea­son from noon to 7:30pm. An on-board guide points out his­toric attrac­tions and activ­i­ties in each section. 

Pioneer Park