Kongakut River Points

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Kongakut River Points

The old take out airstrip is here on the riv­er right tun­dra bench but ero­sion has tak­en much of it away and planes will not take off with loads from it any more. For the take out you now have to float a mile down­stream and stop on riv­er left at the grav­el bar land­ing area. Most groups camp above then get up ear­ly throw every­thing in loose and float the short dis­tance to where the strip is. It is usu­al­ly marked with orange sur­vey­ors tape.

Char­ter a wheel plane to drop you off here.

Even if one makes it to Icy Reef the threat of being strand­ed by ice fog is high and planes will not be able to land and pick you up. It is rec­om­mend­ed to have extra days built into your sched­ule if you plan on going to the coast. This is in case the ground fog makes pick­up by plane impossible.