Tana River Points

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Tana River Points

A more com­mon­ly used strip is at Jake’s Bar locat­ed just below the con­flu­ence with the Tana Riv­er on the right side of the riv­er val­ley. From here the riv­er is much less inclement with not as much blow­ing silt and eas­i­er braids to read as you float along. It is about 60 miles to the con­flu­ence with the Cop­per Riv­er and could be done in as lit­tle as 3 days.

This is the last road access avail­able to the Chiti­na Riv­er. If you did­n’t get across the riv­er in time or if the line of com­bat fish­ing dip­net­ters has every square inch of shore tak­en up as they try to catch red salmon by dip­net. It often means pil­ing into an angry line of fish­er­man and occu­py­ing their site for the time required to get all you gear out of the way.

The put in for the Tana Riv­er involves dri­ving to McCarthy and then fly­ing by small plane to a tun­dra strip near its source. The nor­mal put in site is a short but spec­tac­u­lar flight of 35 min­utes from McCarthy Alaska.

Dry suits or at the least, wet­suits are need­ed to run the Tana Canyon as at any time some­one could be flipped over­board and at worst a raft could flip, in which case once in the frigid water you have lit­tle time to get out. There have been deaths in this sec­tion of riv­er so please pro­ceed with cau­tion. Griz­zly bears are com­mon in this area and all pre­cau­tions to elim­i­nate unwant­ed encoun­ters should be tak­en. GPS Coor­di­nates Tun­dra Strip: N 61…  ...more