Campbell Tract Facility Points

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Points of Interest

Access the Beaver Dam Trail across Camp­bell Airstrip Rd from the Camp­bell Tract park­ing area. You’ll head off into a for­est of ancient aspen trees and shoul­der height rose bush­es. This is a favorite hang­out spot for the local moose because the browse is so acces­si­ble. Dur­ing late sum­mer and into the fall you’ll also find copi­ous amounts of rose­hips, an abun­dant nat­ur­al vit­a­min C pill’. Min­ers were known to eat a hip or two a day to ward off…  ...more

It’s a stretch to call this a beach’. It’s more like an over­sized grav­el bar on the edge of Camp­bell Creek. But you can dri­ve to with­in 100 yards and hang out by the water. Park at the lot off Camp­bell Airstrip Road, walk to the bridge on the down­stream side. It’s a fun place to skip rocks, wade, and hang out to the relax­ing sound of the creek rush­ing by. It’s a nice alter­natve to Goose Lake and oth­er beach­es team­ing with kids. Here, there…  ...more

Difficulty: Easy

The name says it all – dur­ing the win­ter months at least. The trail is off lim­its once snow flies, but as soon as the snow is gone in the spring, recre­ate to your heart’s con­tent. This net­work of win­ter­time dog mush­ing trails offers a wide array of options through­out the sum­mer. With a lit­tle cre­ativ­i­ty you can put togeth­er out­ings from 1.4 to 12+ miles. Do be aware that mush­ers some­times train their teams here with wheeled bug­gies. If you…  ...more

The View Point Trail is also known as the Tour of Anchor­age Trail. It offers gen­tle ter­rain and a touch of soli­tude for those look­ing for an easy trail not far from the city. Because the Camp­bell Tract is adja­cent to Far North Bicen­ten­ni­al Park and Chugach State Park beyond that, it offers a direct cor­ri­dor for ani­mals mov­ing in and out of the Anchor­age bowl so keep an eye out for moose with their young in the spring and be espe­cial­ly mindful  ...more