Stony River Points

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Points of Interest

Put In Option for Stony Riv­er. There is some­times too lit­tle water for a raft on this upper sec­tion so be sure and check with your pilots about what is the best option.

Put In Option for Stony Riv­er. This trip is best start­ed by fly­ing a com­mer­cial air­line to either McGrath or Ani­ak where a char­tered plane can take you to a grav­el land­ing strip at the con­flu­ence with the Telaqua­na River.

The take out is com­mon­ly at the vil­lage of Stony Riv­er on the Kuskok­wim Riv­er along its right hand bank just 2 miles north of the mouth of the Stony Riv­er. From here you can arrange to picked up by plane and flown back to Ani­ak or McGrath to con­nect with a return flight to Anchor­age or Fairbanks.