Tanana River Drainage Fishing Spots

This is a huge region, stretching from Healy to Manley Hot Springs on the western side and from Copper Center to Fairbanks on the eastern side. This is interior Alaska, far from the salt water, but you’ll still find all five salmon species. This region is a popular destination for hunters of arctic grayling and burbot. The Tangle Lakes system is famous for its grayling and lake trout, as well as a popular canoe trip destination.

Available Species: King Salmon, Silver Salmon, Red Salmon, Pink Salmon, Chum Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, Lake Trout, Arctic Grayling, Northern Pike, Burbot, Whitefish

Hot Spots: Tangle Lakes, Piledriver Slough, Quartz Lake, Chena River, Delta Clearwater River

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Fishing Spots

Cast your line for some rain­bow trout, or maybe a sil­ver salmon. Here you’ll find pub­lic fish­ing access. A short walk on the .3 mile trail north to Strel­na Lake puts you in the right sport for some angling.

Large road­side pull­out beside the Alas­ka High­way at mile 1391.8 is the Don­na Lakes Trail­head. Fol­low the trail 3.6 miles to Big Don­na Lake Cab­in, and con­tin­ue anoth­er 1.3 miles to Lit­tle Don­na Lake Cab­in. Both cab­ins are man­aged by ADF&G.

Fish for Arc­tic Grayling and Dol­ly Varden.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. Lake stocked with arc­tic char, rain­bow trout, and lake trout. From the road, fol­low the 12 mile trail to the lake.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. J” lake is acces­si­ble from the Richard­son High­way. Exit onto the Old Richard­son High­way at MP 256, then turn onto Windy Ridge Road. There is a small clus­ter of lakes, and 2 addi­tion­al lakes are acces­si­ble via short trails (Ghost Lake and Nick­el Lake).

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. Fish for Rain­bow trout and lake trout.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. South Twin Lake is stocked with Rain­bow trout.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. Lake stocked with rain­bow trout and Arc­tic grayling. Take Mead­ows Road from the Richard­son High­way, and fol­low the turn for Bolio Lake.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. Mark Lake is stocked with Arc­tic char, Rain­bow trout, and land­locked salmon. Access this lake by depart­ing the Richard­son High­way onto Mead­ows Road. At mile 5.3 there’s a short trail to the lake.

From Fair­banks you will want to dri­ve the Richard­son High­way, 3 hours south along the Alcan towards Delta, Alas­ka. At mile 141.5 of the Alas­ka High­way turn left onto Jack War­ren Road and on to Rem­ing­ton Road for 8.5 miles till you reach the Clear­wa­ter State Recre­ation Area, where there is a quaint 17-site camp­ing area and a boat launch. Fish­ing is known to be great for grayling.

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 10 miles

This trail goes north to the north­ern end of Swede Lake. It then con­tin­ues on to the Mid­dle Fork Gulka­na Branch Trail and anoth­er half mile to Alpha­bet Hills Trail. It is usu­al­ly a very wet trail so rub­ber boots are usu­al­ly rec­om­mend­ed. Both Big Swede and Lit­tle Swede Lakes offer good oppor­tu­ni­ties for fish­ing. Lake Trout are found in Lit­tle Swede. Lake trout, grayling, bur­bot, and white­fish are found in Big Swede.

Large road­side pull­out beside the Alas­ka High­way at mile 1391.8 is the Don­na Lakes Trail­head. Fol­low the trail 3.6 miles to Big Don­na Lake Cab­in, man­aged by ADF&G.

Just north of Fair­banks, Alas­ka, flow­ing out of the low moun­tains and rolling hills west of Chena Dome and south of Mastodon Dome, is the Birch Creek Nation­al Wild and Scenic Riv­er, one of only a few rivers of this sta­tus that is acces­si­ble by road and requires no fly­ing in or out to do the 126-mile sec­tion of Class I to III+ riv­er. A swift, shal­low stream, Birch Creek begins above its con­flu­ence with Twelvemile Creek and for the first 10…  ...more

Rain­bow trout fish­ing spot off of the Alas­ka High­way. A dirt road at MP 1348 leads to the trail­head for the 12 mile hike to Robert­son #2 lake.

Good spot to fish for rain­bow trout in Healy, Alas­ka just north of Denali Nation­al Park entrance.

The Chatani­ka Riv­er, a Class II riv­er, is a part of the Yukon Riv­er drainage and is a clear or light­ly tan­nic stained rapid-runoff stream. It has its head­wa­ters in the moun­tains of the north­east­ern por­tion of the Alas­ka Range and flows west­ward through val­leys between sum­mits and uplands for about four-fifths of its length before it enters Minto Flats, even­tu­al­ly join­ing the Tolo­vano Riv­er. It is most suit­ed to small craft such as canoes or…  ...more

This BLM-main­tained camp­ground sits amid the Tan­gle Lakes, a series of long, nar­row lakes. This is a des­ig­nat­ed put-in for the 30-mile-long Delta Nation­al Wild and Scenic Riv­er float trip. There are moose and cari­bou in the area, many hunters use this as a base camp dur­ing the fall hunt­ing season.

Pop­u­lar fish­ing and camp­ing spot halfway between Fair­banks and Delta Junc­tion (about an hour in either direc­tion). There’s a boat launch, and fish­er­man can fish for trout, arc­tic char, and burbot.

Great camp­ground and fish­ing area just north of Delta Junc­tion. The loop camp­ing area holds 16 sites, and there are anoth­er 87 park­ing / camp­ing sites in the lot. Boaters will enjoy easy access to two boat launch­es. There are also pic­nic tables and a pavil­ion. Near the water, there’s a hand­i­cap acces­si­ble fish­ing dock, a swim­ming area, and a beach vol­ley­ball court.

Pop­u­lar camp­ing, fish­ing, and out­door recre­ation spot just an hour south of Fair­banks along the Richard­son High­way. There are 19 camp­sites and 5 walk-in sites. In sum­mer, the area is pop­u­lar with boaters, fish­er­men, and jet-skiers / water skiers. The lake is stocked with Rain­bow trout, grayling, and Arc­tic char, as well as salmon. It’s also a pop­u­lar ice fish­ing spot in win­ter. You can even reserve an ice fish­ing hut!

Small fish­ing pond eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from the Steese High­way that is stocked with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout. There’s a sign vis­i­ble from the high­way and a grav­el park­ing area. This area is about a 45-minute dri­ve from down­town Fairbanks.

Small fish­ing pond eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from the Steese High­way that is stocked with Arc­tic grayling, bur­bot, and Rain­bow trout by fish & game. There’s a sign vis­i­ble from the high­way and a large grav­el park­ing area sur­round­ed by trees. This area is about a 45-minute dri­ve from down­town Fairbanks.

Sign vis­i­ble from Chena Hot Springs Road. Grav­el road leads to grav­el park­ing area with a fee sta­tion and out­house. Lake stocked with Arc­tic grayling, Rain­bow trout, and burbot.

Stocked with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout by ADF&G. Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Chena Hot Springs Road.

Pop­u­lar in the sum­mer with locals for a swim. Fish­ing is catch and release only.

Pond acces­si­ble from the Richard­son High­way with a grav­el park­ing area. Stocked by ADF&G with arc­tic char and rain­bow trout.

Small pond stocked by ADF&G with Arc­tic grayling and Rain­bow trout. Sign vis­i­ble from Richard­son high­way leads to a small grav­el park­ing area. Approx­i­mate­ly 15 mins north of Delta Junction.