Mount Roberts Tramway Points

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Mount Roberts Tramway Points

Set at the top of the Gold­belt Mount Roberts Tramway, the Tim­ber­line Bar & Grill offers great views, fresh Alas­ka seafood, and a vari­ety of lunch and din­ner options. After you hike, shop, and enjoy the wildlife on Mount Roberts, dine with a view in the Tim­ber­line Bar & Grill.

This gift store sits 1,800 feet above Juneau, at the top of the Gold­belt Mount Roberts Tramway. So while you peruse one of the city’s best selec­tions of Alas­ka Native art­work, you can also take in some amaz­ing views. It’s why this is the place to shop at the top.”

Difficulty: Easy

Once you reach the Moun­tain House at the 1,800-foot lev­el of Mount Roberts, step onto trails that begin in a sub-alpine ecosys­tem and climb anoth­er 300 feet into the true alpine. With six­ty stair steps, a length of one-half mile and an ele­va­tion gain of just 150ft, the main trail will take you to open vis­tas, moun­tain val­leys, snow gul­lies, rocky ridges and stun­ning views of moun­tains in Glac­i­er Bay, British Colum­bia, the South­east Alaskan…  ...more