AB Mountain


10 miles



Completing this all-day climb, a 10-mile round trip climbing nearly 5,000 feet, isn’t for beginners. But at the top, you’ll be on the ridge separating the Dyea and Skagway river valleys, with an awe-dropping, 360-degree view. The trailhead starts on Dyea Road. Once above the treeline, some rock cairns mark the way, but the trail can be vague due to heavy brush and rocky terrain. During the trip up past the treeline, watch for landmarks you can recognize to lead your way down. Bring a lunch, snacks, lots of water and sturdy biking boots. About 30 minutes up, watch for a large rock at the right of the trail for a view of town. Avoid this hike if the summit is in the clouds and keep off icy patches.

Getting There

Dyea Road
Skagway, AK 99840
Driving Directions

AB Mountain