Little Nelchina/Tazlina River Combo

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Little Nelchina/Tazlina River Combo Points

The put in for this trip involves get­ting your­self and your gear, most like­ly, from Anchor­age, north, up the Glenn High­way, over Tah­ne­ta Pass and Eure­ka to the Lit­tle Nelchi­na State Recre­ation Site at mile 138, where the road cross­es the riv­er and there is a park­ing lot.

The take out is at the Richard­son High­way Bridge over the Tazli­na Riv­er at mile 110, which is just 2 miles before the Cop­per Riv­er and only 8 miles from the Glenn and Richard­son High­way intersection.

Some have char­tered a float­plane from Anchor­age to land on Tazli­na Lake to start their trip.