Government Hill Guide

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Government Hill Guide

The park was orig­i­nal­ly called McKin­ley View Park. In 1997 the com­mu­ni­ty request­ed the name be changed to Suzan Nightin­gale McK­ay Memo­r­i­al Park.

Lim­it­ed on street park­ing is avail­able along Delaney Street. Play equip­ment suit­able for 5 – 12 year olds.

4 park­ing spaces. Pic­nic area with 2 tables, 2 bench­es, one grill. Locat­ed in Gov­ern­ment Hill Greenbelt.

This may be Anchorage’s most eccen­tric park: It’s home to a beguil­ing mix of ten­nis courts, the Anchor­age Curl­ing Club, and a Square Dance Club.

This water tow­er is the most dis­tin­guish­able land­mark in the Gov­ern­ment Hill neigh­bor­hood. You can see it from down­town, stand­ing well above any oth­er sur­round­ing struc­tures. A lit­tle bit of insid­er triv­ia: the tow­er no longer sup­plies water but is used today as a radio tower.

This restau­rant in Gov­ern­ment Hill offers a mix of Lao, Thai, and Viet­namese cui­sine — and deliv­ers big on both fla­vor and por­tions. The sig­na­ture dish­es are the phở dish­es, which come in huge bowls, and the Pad Thai, which is mild in heat and slight­ly sweet. You can also order from a delight­ful selec­tion of cur­ries and stir-fries.