Hula Hula River Points

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Hula Hula River Points

Fly to Arc­tic Vil­lage on a sched­uled com­mer­cial flight from Fair­banks, then fly a char­tered bush plane to the grav­el strip known as Grasser’s from Arc­tic Vil­lage; or take a com­mer­cial flight to Kak­tovik on Barter Island, and fly by bush plane from there to the put in at Grasser’s Strip; or dri­ve to Cold­foot, Alas­ka and fly with Coy­ote Air from there. Either way, advance logis­ti­cal con­sul­ta­tions are pru­dent when try­ing to fig­ure out your plan…  ...more

The clas­sic trip ends on the bar­ri­er islands, on Arey Island and requires stop­ping at a cer­tain spot along the Hula Hula, portag­ing your boats and gear 200 yards to the Okpi­lak Riv­er, then lin­ing rafts upstream anoth­er hun­dred yards so you can then take the far east chan­nel of the Okpi­lak Riv­er into the lagoon adja­cent to Arey Island. Recent­ly a new camp­ing fee was being imposed by the local native corp, re: camp­ing and using the Arey Island…  ...more

The put in for the Tana Riv­er involves dri­ving to McCarthy and then fly­ing by small plane to a tun­dra strip near its source. The nor­mal put in site is a short but spec­tac­u­lar flight of 35 min­utes from McCarthy Alaska.