Talkeetna celebrates the dark month of December with its annual Talkeetna Winterfest. This popular festival attracts folks from Anchorage and Fairbanks with its famed Bachelor Society Ball and Auction. Come watch the bidding as Talkeetna Bachelors fetch as much as $1,000 for a drink and dance at the ball. The auction and ball, held the first Saturday of the month, are the highlights. But don’t miss the Parade of Lights, held on the festival’s first Friday, when revelers roam all over Talkeetna.

Another fun event is the Wilderness Woman Contest, where Alaskan ladies participate in races hauling water and chopping wood. Winners get a fur hat or gold nugget. There are also open houses, bazaars, holiday gift shows, and a Festival of Lights variety show. Most events occur on the weekend, so come check out how residents stave off the darkness with light-filled festivals.

Getting There

Latitude: 62.323219
Longitude: -150.115389
Driving Directions

Talkeetna Winterfest