Wood-Tikchik State Park Points

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Wood-Tikchik State Park Points

For the full mon­ty you will want to float all the way to Dilling­ham along the Nusha­gak Riv­er near its mouth. Here is where the reg­u­lar com­mer­cial flights can take you back to Anchorage.

You must first get to Dilling­ham, Alas­ka via reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled air ser­vices from Anchor­age. Once in Dilling­ham you will need to char­ter a float­plane to take you to the lake of your choice. The upper most lake is Lake Kulik. Pilots will land you most any­where and may know some good camp­ing beach­es to take you to. 

Take out at the end of the last lake at the vil­lage of Alek­nagik, which is con­nect­ed to Dilling­ham by a 25 mile road. You would need to arrange the road trans­fer to elim­i­nate a short flight to Dilling­ham. If your bud­get allowed it you could char­ter all the way back to Anchor­age from Alek­nagik, but at sub­stan­tial more cost than a com­mer­cial flight out of Dillingham.