Goodnews River Points

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Goodnews River Points

Take out involves get­ting to Good­news Bay to con­nect with your pick­up and flight back to Dilling­ham or Bethel. This is not often easy as the tidal influ­ences are strong and the cur­rent revers­es for 5 miles upriv­er and some low­er riv­er camps will flood so a tide table is a good idea. Some groups will arrange/​hire a tow from Good­news vil­lage the last 5 miles of tidal­ly influ­enced riv­er. There are often strong upriv­er winds to deal with also.  ...more

To get to the riv­er one must take a sched­uled flight from Anchor­age to Dilling­ham or Bethel, with Dilling­ham a lit­tle clos­er, and then char­ter a float­plane to take you and your gear to Good­news Lake 15 miles below the headwaters.

This is mos­qui­to and bear coun­try so bring the prop­er repel­lants for both. If your pilot advis­es against try­ing to pad­dle the last stretch to the vil­lage, have them help you arrange a boat to tow the final dis­tance. There are sev­er­al flight oper­a­tors in Dilling­ham that spe­cial­ize in tak­ing peo­ple in to Good­news Lake.