Sitka National Historical Park

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Sitka National Historical Park

The Indi­an Riv­er is a beau­ti­ful, clear stream that’s home to spawn­ing salmon each sum­mer. On the low­er reach­es of the riv­er, by the inter­tidal zone and low­er flood­plain, pink and chum salmon spawn from mid-July through Sep­tem­ber. Far­ther up the riv­er, you’ll find coho and chi­nook salmon, Dol­ly Var­den, char, and steel­head trout.

This is a fun lit­tle trea­sure hunt for kids. The mon­ey tree isn’t marked, but it’s near the start of the Totem Trail. Look for a tree stump, about a foot and half tall, that’s filled with coins. Where the branch­es have bro­ken off, there are coins in the lit­tle holes. Peo­ple have been putting coins in this tree for over 50 years; if you can find the tree, join the tradition!

Difficulty: Easy Distance: 1 mile

Start­ing at the Nation­al Park Ser­vice Vis­i­tor Cen­ter, this trail sys­tem takes you through rich coastal for­est and along a salmon stream, then opens to views of the shore­line and coastal moun­tains. It also trav­els past totem poles and memo­r­i­al sites, includ­ing that of the 1804 Bat­tle of Sit­ka. The last armed con­flict with the Tlin­gits in Sit­ka and the begin­ning of Russ­ian rule, this bat­tle is memo­ri­al­ized with a plaque installed in 2011. Park…  ...more

The Indi­an riv­er is home to a num­ber of fish: Sum­mer Pink, chum, coho, chi­nook salmon, along with Dol­ly Var­den, char, and steel­head trout. This arched bridge is the place to see them. Be sure to stop by on your way through Alaska’s old­est des­ig­nat­ed Nation­al Park.