Alaska Highway (Border to Delta Junction)

The Alaska Highway, sometimes known as the ALCAN (Alaska-Canada Highway), is the only way to drive up to Alaska from the lower 48s. While the trip in total from Dawson Creek, British Columbia to Delta Junction, Alaska is 1,387 miles, the drive from Port Alcan at the border is closer to 200 miles. This guide will give you good reason to make stops between the border and Delta Junction, where the Alaska Highway meets the Richardson Highway.

Not all rental vehicles are allowed on this road, so check with your rental agency before you travel. Or, rent from a company that allows their vehicle on gravel roads, like Alaska 4x4 Rentals, Alaska Overlander, or Alaska Auto Rental.

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Driving Guide Points

Here you can see what remains of the old Fortymile Road­house. In 1959, the Fortymile Road­house served Alas­ka High­way trav­el­ers who were head­ing up the new Forty-mile and Eagle High­way, now the Tay­lor High­way, which was still under con­struc­tion with only about 20 miles of road fin­ished. The road­house offered cab­ins, meals, a gro­cery store and a garage with gas and oil. The road­house closed in 1985.

Camp­ground with 15 sites, fire spits, pic­nic tables and shel­ter and toi­lets. There’s a boat launch for boat­ing, water ski­ing, and swim­ming. This is a pop­u­lar bush plane land­ing location.

Set at the end of the Alas­ka High­way in Delta Junc­tion, the Tro­phy Lodge is the per­fect place to stay if you’re dri­ving between Alas­ka and Cana­da. Since it’s the only place in town that’s a hotel, restau­rant, and bar all in one, Tro­phy Lodge is ide­al for relax­ing after a long day on the road, offer­ing val­ue and com­fort in addi­tion to convenience.

Tour of an Alaskan home­stead. Includes a tour of the home­stead log house, green house and gar­dens, vis­it­ing an authen­tic Alas­ka freight dog team, hav­ing a look around the barns, cor­rals and out build­ings, view­ing live­stock and an authen­tic oper­at­ing sawmill that fur­nish­es all the lum­ber used on the home­stead. Also view a large selec­tion of his­tor­i­cal farm­ing and min­ing equip­ment. Hours Call for hours Admis­sion Donations  ...more