Little Susitna River Points

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Little Susitna River Points

This is a take out option for the Class IV kayak run. 

This is the first take out option for the Class IV kayak run.

For the Class IV kayak run you would take the Fish­hook Road north from Palmer and trav­el 14 miles to the Moth­er­lode Cook­house and Saloon, for­mer­ly the Lit­tle Susit­na Road­house and take out some­where down­stream at the sev­er­al road access spots, the first of which is the Fish­hook Road Bridge, or at a point where the Edger­ton Parks Road meets the river.

If you are raft­ing, you will want to con­tin­ue through the next section.

To go the addi­tion­al 10 miles to Cook Inlet would require hav­ing some sort of boat pick­up that could take you to Spe­nard near Point Woron­zof or to Point Macken­zie off the Knik Road.

For any­one that wants to do a raft­ing or canoe trip, the best start is off the Schrock Road which is reached by turn­ing off Parks High­way at mile 48.5 onto Pittman Road and look­ing for the unim­proved road to the riv­er down­stream of Coal Creek.

For the longer trip you would con­tin­ue to where the Lit­tle Su Access Road, off of the Bur­ma Road, leads to the riv­er near Yohn Lake.