Perseverance Trail Points

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Perseverance Trail Points

Ebn­er Falls is locat­ed on Per­se­v­er­ence Trail. There is an over­look from the trail and it’s also pos­si­ble to hike down to the bot­tom of the falls for pho­tos. The falls cas­cade down rock steps for between 100 and 200 feet.

Difficulty: Moderate

This side trail leads to the edge of the AJ Glo­ry Hole, a mas­sive chasm with 800 foott deep walls. The mine pro­duced mil­lions of dol­lars in gold dur­ing its oper­a­tional life. The hole was cre­at­ed in a process where min­ers would blast under a mound of earth and have it col­lapse. This allowed for easy min­ing of the ore and then the hole could be blast­ed a lay­er deep­er. The hole is rough­ly 12 mile long and 13 mile wide and has ver­ti­cal walls.…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 1 mile

A side trail from Per­se­ver­ance that breaks off 2 miles into the hike, this trail is gen­er­al­ly mud­dy because of the beau­ti­ful water­falls and snow that resides on the moun­tains until ear­ly sum­mer. (And there’s extreme avalanche dan­ger in win­ter.) But it’s a great day hike, and if you keep to the left you can access the alpine high coun­try of Mount Juneau. There are beau­ti­ful alpine lakes and wild­flow­ers along the way as you gain over 1,200…  ...more

Difficulty: Difficult

The trail is very steep from this point to the sum­mit. When the weath­er is good, some peo­ple walk over toward Gran­ite Basin on the ridge. There are mar­mot, spruce grouse and black bears seen here often.