Photo Credit: Alaska Heavenly Lodge

Where To Stay on the Kenai Peninsula

The Kenai Peninsula offers a variety of accommodations to suit all kinds of travelers. Opt for cozy cabins, luxurious wilderness lodges, hotels, vacation rentals, yurts, and more in the area’s quaint seaside towns and rustic mountains.

Hotels & Lodges View All

Season: Year Round $269+

Indeed, the Har­bor 360 Hotel has a pret­ty lit­er­al name: Locat­ed on Seward’s water­front, this 96 room hotel offers stun­ning 360-degree views: You’ll see the Seward Small Boat Har­bor and Res­ur­rec­tion Bay if you book a Har­bor­side room, or the Kenai Moun­tains if you book a Moun­tain­side room.

Season: Mid-May – Mid-Sept $229+

This 86-room lodge not only has end­less views over a vast val­ley, but it also sits on the banks of the Kenai Riv­er, which teems with fish. With vault­ed ceil­ings made of nat­u­ral­ly fin­ished wood, cozy sit­ting areas with wood-burn­ing stoves and pri­vate porch­es, it’s easy to feel like the whole place is yours. The area is famous for its fish­ing, but you also have easy access to Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, a wild land filled with glac­i­ers, marine  ...more

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $1125+ all-inclusive packages

Locat­ed with­in a 1700 acre native-owned wildlife sanc­tu­ary in the heart of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, the cen­tral lodge and 16 guest cab­ins of Kenai Fjords Glac­i­er Lodge have full views of Ped­er­sen Glac­i­er and easy access to wildlife-view­ing adven­tures. The ele­gant­ly rus­tic lodge and seclud­ed guest cab­ins pair mod­ern com­fort and envi­ron­men­tal stewardship.

$875+ / person, based on double occupancy 2 night minimum

This lodge offers a unique wilder­ness expe­ri­ence. Set on Fox Island, it is acces­si­ble only by boat from Seward, and is a true escape from civ­i­liza­tion. Kenai Fjords Wilder­ness Lodge has 8 cab­ins which do not have tele­vi­sions; the focus here is on nature. Go out on a nat­u­ral­ist-guid­ed walk, or take a kayak excur­sion and look for whales that swim right up to the shore. At the end of the day, enjoy the com­pa­ny of oth­ers around the campfire. 

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $269+

Brand-new in 2021, this 74-room prop­er­ty with panoram­ic moun­tain views is a six-minute walk from the har­bor of Res­ur­rec­tion Bay mak­ing it easy to catch a day cruise or fish­ing char­ter. You’ll also be just a mile from downtown’s shops and restau­rants and you won’t even need a car for your stay here, thanks to a free shut­tle to and from the rail­road depot and cruise ship dock.

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

Season: June 15 - September 15 $2,299+ 4 nights / 3 days +

Locat­ed on the Kenai Riv­er, this inti­mate lodge offers seren­i­ty, stun­ning views, and pri­vate access to some of Alaska’s best fish­ing. All pack­ages include accom­mo­da­tions, 3 meals a day, pri­vate bank fish­ing at the lodge with pre­mier fish­ing gear, 50 pounds of on-site fish pro­cess­ing, and option­al char­ter fish­ing trips.

Season: May - Sept $275+

Alas­ka Heav­en­ly Lodge offers the best of both worlds: all the seclu­sion and lux­u­ry nor­mal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fly-in lodges, as well as the afford­abil­i­ty and con­ve­nience of being on the road sys­tem. You’ll find three hand-hewn log cab­ins, com­plete with a trail sys­tem and pic­turesque views of the Chugach Range and Kenai Riv­er. The loca­tion makes it easy to soak up the soli­tude of Alas­ka, as well as near­by adven­tures like fish­ing, raft­ing, and more.  ...more

Season: Year Round Visit website for rates

Pri­vate rentals set atop a 500-foot bluff right on the ocean, over­look­ing the shim­mer­ing waters of Kachemak Bay. Most of the homes fea­ture pri­vate out­door salt­wa­ter hot tubs and all have high-end appli­ances, art from local artists, a Weber gas grill, and top-qual­i­ty and local­ly-made toiletries.

Visit website for current rates

The Seward Wind­song Lodge is a full-ser­vice lodge set in a glac­i­er val­ley, sur­round­ed by the for­est. Just eight miles from Exit Glac­i­er and four miles from Seward, the lodge offers a peace­ful retreat from the bus­tle of down­town; a free shut­tle pro­vides access to town, tours, and trans­porta­tion. Per­haps the best ameni­ty, though, is the sound of the gen­tle flow of the Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er from your room. No sur­prise, many guests say their best night  ...more

Season: May to September $1500 per adult, per night 3+ nights

Alaska’s Ridge­wood Wilder­ness Lodge is a pre­mier, full-ser­vice des­ti­na­tion lodge in Hal­ibut Cove adja­cent to the Kachemak Bay State Park. Your hosts under­stand that expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s great out­doors is a pri­ma­ry goal for those active in mind and spir­it, so they have designed numer­ous guid­ed adven­tures to choose from, includ­ing hik­ing, glac­i­er kayak­ing & wildlife view­ing. You can also add-on a fish­ing char­ter or bear view­ing tour during  ...more

$7000 per person All-inclusive 5-night packages

Fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed for over 50 years, the McBride fam­i­ly has per­fect­ed Alaskan hos­pi­tal­i­ty. This all-inclu­sive world-class lodge fea­tures pri­vate, deluxe accom­mo­da­tions and gourmet meals. Per­son­al­ized guide ser­vice allows you to cus­tomize your adven­tures to your inter­ests. Enjoy the spec­tac­u­lar views by the fire or spend a relax­ing evening in the hot tub and Finnish sauna. Only host­ing 10 – 14 guests each week ensures that your stay is  ...more

Season: May - September Averages $995 per night, per person 3-7 nights, 5th and 6th person 1/2 price

An all-inclu­sive ocean­front retreat on the shores of Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka, with off­shore hal­ibut fish­ing aboard a new 28’ land­ing craft. Hosts Scott and Janet Ogan pro­vide an authen­tic Alaskan adven­ture at their off-grid, hand­craft­ed tree­house and beach house lodge. Stays are exclu­sive, pri­vate escapes for you and your loved ones, with a mis­sion to empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones and God’s cre­ation through the extraordinary  ...more

$209+ per night

Not many hotels can say that every room has a great view, but Ocean Shores was designed that way. Each room fea­tures views of Kachemak Bay and the sur­round­ing moun­tains. Also the ocean front prop­er­ty has a nice path to our seclud­ed beach and tide pools of Kachemak Bay. Or explore the near­by town of Homer.

Season: June 1 - Sept 30 $2400+ all-inclusive packages

Stay­ing at the remote Kenai Back­coun­try Lodge with­in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge offers a real taste of the wilder­ness. The lodge, locat­ed on a five-acre, pri­vate in-hold­ing, began as a riv­er-accessed hunt­ing cab­in back in 1935. Years lat­er, the remod­eled and expand­ed prop­er­ty is still road-free, and guests raft into the lodge. Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­tures pride them­selves on a leave no trace’ style of eco-tourism. 

Drift­wood Inn presents a vari­ety of lodg­ing options, includ­ing hotel rooms, deluxe lodges, a fam­i­ly cot­tage, and an RV park — all of which have great views of Bishop’s Beach and Kachemak Bay. This fam­i­ly-owned and ‑oper­at­ed inn and has free Wi-Fi, cof­feemak­ers in most rooms, and a cozy lob­by with a fire­place. And you’re with­in walk­ing dis­tance of cof­fee shops, bak­eries, book­stores, and restaurants.

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Take a pri­vate, 1‑hour boat ride to a pris­tine wilder­ness resort fea­tur­ing 8 com­fort­able, ful­ly-equipped water­front yurts (fea­tur­ing a queen-sized bed and dou­ble futon with all linens, plus pri­vate bath and kitchen with run­ning water) and expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka. Your stay includes full access to our sea kayaks, stand-up pad­dle boards, skiffs, snorkel gear and fish­ing gear, so you can expe­ri­ence the  ...more

Season: May 20 - Sept 16 $1385+ all-inclusive packages 3+ days

Look­ing for an inti­mate and acces­si­ble get­away with an authen­tic Alaskan feel? Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­ture’s Kenai River­side Lodge will fit the bill, with just 16 cab­ins set on the Kenai Riv­er, sur­round­ed by 3,000-foot snow-capped moun­tains. This easy-access river­side lodge has a remote feel, but is still right on the road sys­tem. Meals are served fam­i­ly-style, cre­at­ing a more inti­mate expe­ri­ence, and allow­ing you to min­gle with fel­low guests and  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Wilderness Lodges View All

$7000 per person All-inclusive 5-night packages

Fam­i­ly owned and oper­at­ed for over 50 years, the McBride fam­i­ly has per­fect­ed Alaskan hos­pi­tal­i­ty. This all-inclu­sive world-class lodge fea­tures pri­vate, deluxe accom­mo­da­tions and gourmet meals. Per­son­al­ized guide ser­vice allows you to cus­tomize your adven­tures to your inter­ests. Enjoy the spec­tac­u­lar views by the fire or spend a relax­ing evening in the hot tub and Finnish sauna. Only host­ing 10 – 14 guests each week ensures that your stay is  ...more

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Take a pri­vate, 1‑hour boat ride to a pris­tine wilder­ness resort fea­tur­ing 8 com­fort­able, ful­ly-equipped water­front yurts (fea­tur­ing a queen-sized bed and dou­ble futon with all linens, plus pri­vate bath and kitchen with run­ning water) and expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka. Your stay includes full access to our sea kayaks, stand-up pad­dle boards, skiffs, snorkel gear and fish­ing gear, so you can expe­ri­ence the  ...more

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $1125+ all-inclusive packages

Locat­ed with­in a 1700 acre native-owned wildlife sanc­tu­ary in the heart of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, the cen­tral lodge and 16 guest cab­ins of Kenai Fjords Glac­i­er Lodge have full views of Ped­er­sen Glac­i­er and easy access to wildlife-view­ing adven­tures. The ele­gant­ly rus­tic lodge and seclud­ed guest cab­ins pair mod­ern com­fort and envi­ron­men­tal stewardship.

Season: Year Round Summer $375+ per night | Winter $250+ per night

If you can’t decide whether you’d rather have sun­set or sun­rise views on vaca­tion, Between Beach­es Alas­ka per­fect. Perched on a spit near Sel­dovia that offers both East and West water views, this idyl­lic spot also offers the chance to watch whales, otters, seals, shore­birds and eagles while enjoy­ing the tran­quil­i­ty of a unique set­ting. Choose from 6 cabins.

Season: May - September Averages $995 per night, per person 3-7 nights, 5th and 6th person 1/2 price

An all-inclu­sive ocean­front retreat on the shores of Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka, with off­shore hal­ibut fish­ing aboard a new 28’ land­ing craft. Hosts Scott and Janet Ogan pro­vide an authen­tic Alaskan adven­ture at their off-grid, hand­craft­ed tree­house and beach house lodge. Stays are exclu­sive, pri­vate escapes for you and your loved ones, with a mis­sion to empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones and God’s cre­ation through the extraordinary  ...more

$875+ / person, based on double occupancy 2 night minimum

This lodge offers a unique wilder­ness expe­ri­ence. Set on Fox Island, it is acces­si­ble only by boat from Seward, and is a true escape from civ­i­liza­tion. Kenai Fjords Wilder­ness Lodge has 8 cab­ins which do not have tele­vi­sions; the focus here is on nature. Go out on a nat­u­ral­ist-guid­ed walk, or take a kayak excur­sion and look for whales that swim right up to the shore. At the end of the day, enjoy the com­pa­ny of oth­ers around the campfire. 

Season: May - September $3995+ per person, all-inclusive 3 days / 4 nights to 6 days / 7 night

Enjoy the seren­i­ty of this inti­mate, all-inclu­sive lodge, which sits on a pri­vate beach just a 20-minute water taxi ride from Homer. Fam­i­ly-run and com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2022, the Lodge at Otter Cove offers 5 lux­u­ry cab­ins with 7 pri­vate rooms and 3 deli­cious meals a day. Choose your activ­i­ty each day from fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and more. 

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

Season: June 1 - Sept 30 $2400+ all-inclusive packages

Stay­ing at the remote Kenai Back­coun­try Lodge with­in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge offers a real taste of the wilder­ness. The lodge, locat­ed on a five-acre, pri­vate in-hold­ing, began as a riv­er-accessed hunt­ing cab­in back in 1935. Years lat­er, the remod­eled and expand­ed prop­er­ty is still road-free, and guests raft into the lodge. Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­tures pride them­selves on a leave no trace’ style of eco-tourism. 

Season: May to September $1500 per adult, per night 3+ nights

Alaska’s Ridge­wood Wilder­ness Lodge is a pre­mier, full-ser­vice des­ti­na­tion lodge in Hal­ibut Cove adja­cent to the Kachemak Bay State Park. Your hosts under­stand that expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s great out­doors is a pri­ma­ry goal for those active in mind and spir­it, so they have designed numer­ous guid­ed adven­tures to choose from, includ­ing hik­ing, glac­i­er kayak­ing & wildlife view­ing. You can also add-on a fish­ing char­ter or bear view­ing tour during  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Cabin & Vacation Rentals View All

Season: May - September Averages $995 per night, per person 3-7 nights, 5th and 6th person 1/2 price

An all-inclu­sive ocean­front retreat on the shores of Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka, with off­shore hal­ibut fish­ing aboard a new 28’ land­ing craft. Hosts Scott and Janet Ogan pro­vide an authen­tic Alaskan adven­ture at their off-grid, hand­craft­ed tree­house and beach house lodge. Stays are exclu­sive, pri­vate escapes for you and your loved ones, with a mis­sion to empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones and God’s cre­ation through the extraordinary  ...more

Season: May - September $3995+ per person, all-inclusive 3 days / 4 nights to 6 days / 7 night

Enjoy the seren­i­ty of this inti­mate, all-inclu­sive lodge, which sits on a pri­vate beach just a 20-minute water taxi ride from Homer. Fam­i­ly-run and com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2022, the Lodge at Otter Cove offers 5 lux­u­ry cab­ins with 7 pri­vate rooms and 3 deli­cious meals a day. Choose your activ­i­ty each day from fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and more. 

Season: May - Sept $225+ May - September

Expe­ri­ence the tran­quil­i­ty of nature by stay­ing in one of Alas­ka Rivers Com­pa­ny’s hand-built log cab­ins in Coop­er Land­ing. Nes­tled along the turquoise waters of the Upper Kenai Riv­er, these cab­ins, accom­mo­dat­ing two to eight peo­ple, offer stun­ning views and a rich his­to­ry, with the orig­i­nal cab­in dat­ing back to the 1930s. Enjoy pri­vate firepits, BBQ grills, and a vari­ety of out­door activ­i­ties right at your doorstep. 

Season: Year Round Summer $375+ per night | Winter $250+ per night

If you can’t decide whether you’d rather have sun­set or sun­rise views on vaca­tion, Between Beach­es Alas­ka per­fect. Perched on a spit near Sel­dovia that offers both East and West water views, this idyl­lic spot also offers the chance to watch whales, otters, seals, shore­birds and eagles while enjoy­ing the tran­quil­i­ty of a unique set­ting. Choose from 6 cabins.

Season: Memorial Day through Labor Day $399+ / night

Soak in breath­tak­ing views of water and moun­tains when you stay in one of the 4 charm­ing­ly rus­tic log cab­ins at this inti­mate, fam­i­ly-owned prop­er­ty beyond Homer. Acces­si­ble only via water taxi, each ocean­front log cab­in fea­tures a porch with chairs to take in the view, along with a bath­room and show­er with hot water and a propane heater. There’s no elec­tric­i­ty, mak­ing it the per­fect place to unplug.

Season: Year Round Visit Website for Rates & Availability

Stay in one of the 4 unique, mod­ern, and cozy cab­ins that make up this inti­mate resort, all of which mar­ry a lux­u­ri­ous aes­thet­ic with dra­mat­ic Alaskan views. And while the loca­tion feels pleas­ant­ly tucked away, you’ll be just 5 min­utes from down­town Homer. Guests also have access to the Nordic-style spa, set in its own build­ing with a large deck and 6‑person out­door hot tub.

Season: Year Round $150+ per night winter, $320+ per night summer

Enjoy stun­ning views of the sur­round­ing for­est and Res­ur­rec­tion Bay from these A‑frame cab­ins and cot­tages. You’ll feel like you’re in remote Alas­ka but you’re just three miles from down­town Seward and all the near­by tours and activities.

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Take a pri­vate, 1‑hour boat ride to a pris­tine wilder­ness resort fea­tur­ing 8 com­fort­able, ful­ly-equipped water­front yurts (fea­tur­ing a queen-sized bed and dou­ble futon with all linens, plus pri­vate bath and kitchen with run­ning water) and expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka. Your stay includes full access to our sea kayaks, stand-up pad­dle boards, skiffs, snorkel gear and fish­ing gear, so you can expe­ri­ence the  ...more


Locat­ed just out­side Seward, the Abode Well Cab­ins are tucked back amidst four acres of trees. Of the 13 avail­able rooms, six are King Cab­ins (which includes a kitch­enette and sleeps up to three) and one is a fam­i­ly cab­in,” which has a full kitchen, sep­a­rate bed­rooms and sleeps up to eight with two queen beds, two twins, plus a queen-size sleep­er sofa. There are also six Queen Stu­dio Rooms avail­able, with sim­i­lar ameni­ties to the King Cabins.  ...more

Season: May 23 - Sept 7 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

Season: Year Round Visit website for rates

Pri­vate rentals set atop a 500-foot bluff right on the ocean, over­look­ing the shim­mer­ing waters of Kachemak Bay. Most of the homes fea­ture pri­vate out­door salt­wa­ter hot tubs and all have high-end appli­ances, art from local artists, a Weber gas grill, and top-qual­i­ty and local­ly-made toiletries.

Season: May - Sept $275+

Alas­ka Heav­en­ly Lodge offers the best of both worlds: all the seclu­sion and lux­u­ry nor­mal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fly-in lodges, as well as the afford­abil­i­ty and con­ve­nience of being on the road sys­tem. You’ll find three hand-hewn log cab­ins, com­plete with a trail sys­tem and pic­turesque views of the Chugach Range and Kenai Riv­er. The loca­tion makes it easy to soak up the soli­tude of Alas­ka, as well as near­by adven­tures like fish­ing, raft­ing, and more.  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Fishing Lodges View All

Season: May - September $3995+ per person, all-inclusive 3 days / 4 nights to 6 days / 7 night

Enjoy the seren­i­ty of this inti­mate, all-inclu­sive lodge, which sits on a pri­vate beach just a 20-minute water taxi ride from Homer. Fam­i­ly-run and com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2022, the Lodge at Otter Cove offers 5 lux­u­ry cab­ins with 7 pri­vate rooms and 3 deli­cious meals a day. Choose your activ­i­ty each day from fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and more. 

Season: May 20 - Sept 16 $1385+ all-inclusive packages 3+ days

Look­ing for an inti­mate and acces­si­ble get­away with an authen­tic Alaskan feel? Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­ture’s Kenai River­side Lodge will fit the bill, with just 16 cab­ins set on the Kenai Riv­er, sur­round­ed by 3,000-foot snow-capped moun­tains. This easy-access river­side lodge has a remote feel, but is still right on the road sys­tem. Meals are served fam­i­ly-style, cre­at­ing a more inti­mate expe­ri­ence, and allow­ing you to min­gle with fel­low guests and  ...more

Season: June 15 - September 15 $2,299+ 4 nights / 3 days +

Locat­ed on the Kenai Riv­er, this inti­mate lodge offers seren­i­ty, stun­ning views, and pri­vate access to some of Alaska’s best fish­ing. All pack­ages include accom­mo­da­tions, 3 meals a day, pri­vate bank fish­ing at the lodge with pre­mier fish­ing gear, 50 pounds of on-site fish pro­cess­ing, and option­al char­ter fish­ing trips.

Season: May to September $1500 per adult, per night 3+ nights

Alaska’s Ridge­wood Wilder­ness Lodge is a pre­mier, full-ser­vice des­ti­na­tion lodge in Hal­ibut Cove adja­cent to the Kachemak Bay State Park. Your hosts under­stand that expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s great out­doors is a pri­ma­ry goal for those active in mind and spir­it, so they have designed numer­ous guid­ed adven­tures to choose from, includ­ing hik­ing, glac­i­er kayak­ing & wildlife view­ing. You can also add-on a fish­ing char­ter or bear view­ing tour during  ...more

Season: May - September Averages $995 per night, per person 3-7 nights, 5th and 6th person 1/2 price

An all-inclu­sive ocean­front retreat on the shores of Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka, with off­shore hal­ibut fish­ing aboard a new 28’ land­ing craft. Hosts Scott and Janet Ogan pro­vide an authen­tic Alaskan adven­ture at their off-grid, hand­craft­ed tree­house and beach house lodge. Stays are exclu­sive, pri­vate escapes for you and your loved ones, with a mis­sion to empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones and God’s cre­ation through the extraordinary  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Bear Viewing Lodges View All

$6995 (+ internal air) 6 Days / 5 Nights

In the best way pos­si­ble. you’re out­num­bered by bears dur­ing your stay at this pri­vate fly-in wilder­ness camp. Fly by char­tered plane from Homer to Alas­ka Bear Camp on a 5‑night, 6‑day all-inclu­sive pack­age. This deluxe back­coun­try camp accom­mo­dates just 14 guests in some of the best bear habi­tat in the world. In con­trast to day trips cater­ing to dozens of vis­i­tors at a time, Bear Camp offers a rare and exclu­sive wilder­ness immersion.

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Adventure Lodges View All

Season: May 20 - Sept 16 $1385+ all-inclusive packages 3+ days

Look­ing for an inti­mate and acces­si­ble get­away with an authen­tic Alaskan feel? Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­ture’s Kenai River­side Lodge will fit the bill, with just 16 cab­ins set on the Kenai Riv­er, sur­round­ed by 3,000-foot snow-capped moun­tains. This easy-access river­side lodge has a remote feel, but is still right on the road sys­tem. Meals are served fam­i­ly-style, cre­at­ing a more inti­mate expe­ri­ence, and allow­ing you to min­gle with fel­low guests and  ...more

Season: Mid-May – Mid-Sept $229+

This 86-room lodge not only has end­less views over a vast val­ley, but it also sits on the banks of the Kenai Riv­er, which teems with fish. With vault­ed ceil­ings made of nat­u­ral­ly fin­ished wood, cozy sit­ting areas with wood-burn­ing stoves and pri­vate porch­es, it’s easy to feel like the whole place is yours. The area is famous for its fish­ing, but you also have easy access to Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, a wild land filled with glac­i­ers, marine  ...more

Season: May - Sept $275+

Alas­ka Heav­en­ly Lodge offers the best of both worlds: all the seclu­sion and lux­u­ry nor­mal­ly asso­ci­at­ed with fly-in lodges, as well as the afford­abil­i­ty and con­ve­nience of being on the road sys­tem. You’ll find three hand-hewn log cab­ins, com­plete with a trail sys­tem and pic­turesque views of the Chugach Range and Kenai Riv­er. The loca­tion makes it easy to soak up the soli­tude of Alas­ka, as well as near­by adven­tures like fish­ing, raft­ing, and more.  ...more

Visit website for current rates

The Seward Wind­song Lodge is a full-ser­vice lodge set in a glac­i­er val­ley, sur­round­ed by the for­est. Just eight miles from Exit Glac­i­er and four miles from Seward, the lodge offers a peace­ful retreat from the bus­tle of down­town; a free shut­tle pro­vides access to town, tours, and trans­porta­tion. Per­haps the best ameni­ty, though, is the sound of the gen­tle flow of the Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er from your room. No sur­prise, many guests say their best night  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

Bed & Breakfasts View All


Locat­ed just out­side Seward, the Abode Well Cab­ins are tucked back amidst four acres of trees. Of the 13 avail­able rooms, six are King Cab­ins (which includes a kitch­enette and sleeps up to three) and one is a fam­i­ly cab­in,” which has a full kitchen, sep­a­rate bed­rooms and sleeps up to eight with two queen beds, two twins, plus a queen-size sleep­er sofa. There are also six Queen Stu­dio Rooms avail­able, with sim­i­lar ameni­ties to the King Cabins.  ...more

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"}]

RV Parks & Campgrounds View All

There’s noth­ing quite like camp­ing in the woods with the fam­i­ly when you’re a kid. The crack­ling camp­fire and gooey s’mores. Bik­ing around the camp­ground loop. Run­ning through the for­est and gath­er­ing wood. Catch­ing (and land­ing) that first fish. Here we offer details for nine great pub­lic fam­i­ly camp­grounds with­in a 90-minute dri­ve from Anchorage.

Season: May 1 - Sept 30 Tent $30+, RV $70+

Ocean Shores offers amaz­ing views from all of its sites — plus, it’s warmer here than on the Homer Spit, since it’s not as windy. All sites have a pic­nic table and the side sites have fire pits. You’ll also find DirectTV, Wi-Fi, free show­ers as well as coin-oper­at­ed laundry.

Season: April 15 – Sept 29 Call for rates

Just 5 min­utes from down­town Seward is this full-ser­vice camp­ground set amid lush trees and tow­er­ing moun­tains, so close to Res­ur­rec­tion Riv­er that you can hear it run by. Choose from one of the 68 sites or 4 cab­ins, and enjoy ameni­ties like a cen­tral bath­house, laun­dry, game room, and out­door games like mini golf, corn­hole, and two playgrounds.

[{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"},{"slug":"cooper-landing","title":"Cooper Landing"},{"slug":"soldotna","title":"Soldotna"},{"slug":"homer","title":"Homer"},{"slug":"seldovia","title":"Seldovia"},{"slug":"kenai","title":"Kenai"},{"slug":"anchorage","title":"Anchorage"}]