Photo Credit: Alaska's Loonsong Lake Wilderness Lodge

Immerse yourself in the untamed and pristine beauty of the Kenai Peninsula’s wilderness lodges. Discover exciting experiences such as glacier kayaking and wildlife viewing as you enjoy a peaceful and relaxing retreat.

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Wilderness Lodges

Season: May 24 - Sept 9 $790+ / night (double occupancy)

This tiny cove, 10 miles from Seward, offers a com­bi­na­tion of unplugged bliss, cool yurt liv­ing, and a kayaker’s par­adise. The two unplugged” yurts each come with a queen-size bed and full size sofa bed, a table and chairs, linens, and a kitch­enette. You get unlim­it­ed use of kayaks dur­ing your stay — and giv­en the amount of sun­light dur­ing sum­mer, that means you can be pad­dling in and out of coves at mid­night if you feel like it!

Season: May - September $849 - $1058 per person, per night all-inclusive 3-5 night exclusive camp buy-outs, 2 night non-exclusive stays

An epic ocean­front wilder­ness expe­ri­ence, on the beach in stun­ning Sel­dovia Bay, Alas­ka. Your hosts, Scott and Janet Ogan will help you taste the exhil­a­ra­tion of a true Alaskan expe­ri­ence in their off-grid, hand-craft­ed lodge. It’s a small, fam­i­ly run inti­mate expe­ri­ence. Their mis­sion To empow­er guests to recon­nect with their loved ones, and God’s cre­ation, through the extra­or­di­nary place, that we are stew­ards of, at Tree­house Cove Lodge.”  ...more

Season: May to September $910+ per cabin per night | 2+ Nights / $850+ per cabin per night

Expe­ri­ence com­plete immer­sion in the won­ders of wild coastal Alas­ka, and stay in spa­cious, bright yurts (cir­cu­lar, rein­forced tent-like struc­tures) on a pri­vate island in Humpy Cove. Inside, the yurts are warm and com­fy with fire­places, pri­vate bath­rooms and pri­vate decks over­look­ing the cove all con­nect­ed by exten­sive board­walks. They water taxis is includ­ed along with sea kayaks, pad­dle­boards, row­boats, and fish­ing gear. All of this is just a  ...more

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $1095+ all-inclusive packages

Locat­ed with­in a 1700 acre native-owned wildlife sanc­tu­ary in the heart of Kenai Fjords Nation­al Park, the cen­tral lodge and 16 guest cab­ins of Kenai Fjords Glac­i­er Lodge have full views of Ped­er­sen Glac­i­er and easy access to wildlife-view­ing adven­tures. The ele­gant­ly rus­tic lodge and seclud­ed guest cab­ins pair mod­ern com­fort and envi­ron­men­tal stewardship.

Season: May - September $3995+ per person, all-inclusive 3 days / 4 nights to 6 days / 7 night

Enjoy the seren­i­ty of this inti­mate, all-inclu­sive lodge, which sits on a pri­vate beach just a 20-minute water taxi ride from Homer. Fam­i­ly-run and com­plete­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2022, the Lodge at Otter Cove offers 5 lux­u­ry cab­ins with 7 pri­vate rooms and 3 deli­cious meals a day. Choose your activ­i­ty each day from fish­ing, kayak­ing, hik­ing, and more. 

Season: May to September $1100 per adult, per night 2+ nights

Alaska’s Ridge­wood Wilder­ness Lodge is a pre­mier, full-ser­vice des­ti­na­tion lodge in Hal­ibut Cove adja­cent to the Kachemak Bay State Park. Your hosts under­stand that expe­ri­enc­ing Alaska’s great out­doors is a pri­ma­ry goal for those active in mind and spir­it, so they have designed numer­ous guid­ed adven­tures to choose from, includ­ing hik­ing, glac­i­er kayak­ing & wildlife view­ing. You can also add-on a fish­ing char­ter or bear view­ing tour during  ...more

Season: May 26 to Sep 07 $875+ / person, based on double occupancy 2 night minimum

This lodge offers a unique wilder­ness expe­ri­ence. Set on Fox Island, it is acces­si­ble only by boat from Seward, and is a true escape from civ­i­liza­tion. Kenai Fjords Wilder­ness Lodge has 8 cab­ins which do not have tele­vi­sions; the focus here is on nature. Go out on a nat­u­ral­ist-guid­ed walk, or take a kayak excur­sion and look for whales that swim right up to the shore. At the end of the day, enjoy the com­pa­ny of oth­ers around the campfire. 

Season: Year Round Summer $375+ per night | Winter $250+ per night

If you can’t decide whether you’d rather have sun­set or sun­rise views on vaca­tion, Between Beach­es Alas­ka per­fect. Perched on a spit near Sel­dovia that offers both East and West water views, this idyl­lic spot also offers the chance to watch whales, otters, seals, shore­birds and eagles while enjoy­ing the tran­quil­i­ty of a unique set­ting. Choose from 6 cabins.

Season: June 1 - Sept 15 $3500+ per person (private lodge, max six guests) 3 & 5 day all-inclusive packages

Your own idyl­lic log chalet —is sur­round­ed by more than a mil­lion acres of Kachemak Bay State Wilder­ness Park and Kenai Fjords Nation­al Mon­u­ment. Every day offers a first-class adven­ture. There are miles of love­ly hik­ing trails and trout fish­ing sup­plies are pro­vid­ed. You may ask the pilot to return and take you for a day of brown bear view­ing, or oth­er fly-out adven­ture! Immers­ing your­self in some of the best of Alas­ka involves just a  ...more

Season: May 28 to Aug 31 $7000 per person All-inclusive 5-night packages

The McBride Fam­i­ly has per­fect­ed their all-inclu­sive world-class Alaskan expe­ri­ence. Their amaz­ing local Alaskan team and pro­fes­sion­al guides will per­son­al­ize and cus­tomize your stay based on your inter­ests, the tides, and the weath­er. Your days can be qui­et and relax­ing or filled with action-packed adven­tures includ­ing sea kayak­ing, hik­ing, tide pool­ing, marine and wildlife view­ing, boat excur­sions, beach camp­fires, bird watch­ing, and more!  ...more

Season: June 1 - Sept 30 $2400+ all-inclusive packages

Stay­ing at the remote Kenai Back­coun­try Lodge with­in the Kenai Nation­al Wildlife Refuge offers a real taste of the wilder­ness. The lodge, locat­ed on a five-acre, pri­vate in-hold­ing, began as a riv­er-accessed hunt­ing cab­in back in 1935. Years lat­er, the remod­eled and expand­ed prop­er­ty is still road-free, and guests raft into the lodge. Alas­ka Wild­land Adven­tures pride them­selves on a leave no trace’ style of eco-tourism. 

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