Skagway Day Tours & Attractions

Discover Skagway’s rich offerings with a variety of sightseeing tours. Choose from scenic sightseeing tours to self-guided hikes, as well as gold panning, sea kayaking, heli-hiking, and photography tours. Visit museums and attractions at your own pace and immerse yourself in Skagway’s history and natural beauty.

City Sightseeing Tours View All

See Skagway by train or small group tour

Season: April 23 - October 15 $150 2.75 - 8 hrs

Ride the rails on a real gold-rush era, nar­row-gauge rail­road from Skag­way into the heart of the Yukon. On the White Pass & Yukon Route Rail­road, you’ll have sev­er­al trip options, tak­ing you past glacial rivers, water­falls, and gorges for a real taste of wild Alas­ka. You’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time on this authen­tic train, as you climb 3,000 feet to scenic vis­tas and past apt­ly-named spots named Inspi­ra­tion Point and Dead Horse  ...more

Season: May 1 - Oct 12 $60+ 4 hrs

Take the train out of Skag­way to some of Alaska’s best hik­ing. Not just any train, though, but a Gold Rush-era, nar­row-gauge train that winds through gor­geous scenery and drops you off at the trail­head. The White Pass & Yukon Route Rail­road winds through stun­ning scenery on its way to drop you off on hik­ing trails that offer water­fall, moun­tain, and glac­i­er views. It’s a fun way to gear up for a day or two of great hik­ing. The train is an  ...more

Season: May - September $104+ 2.5 - 6.5 hrs

With bald eagles, bears, and gor­geous scenery, as well as fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture and his­to­ry, these tours out of Skag­way and Haines offer an up-close expe­ri­ence with insights from knowl­edge­able local guides. There are sev­er­al options, includ­ing wildlife and nature tours that focus­es on find­ing and learn­ing about wildlife, a pho­tog­ra­phy tour where you get the chance to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, raft­ing, and some fun sight­see­ing tours  ...more

Private excursions, group rates for up to 14 passengers 3 - 7 hrs

Skag­way may be a quaint small town, but it offers a big lens into the Alas­ka fron­tier. This tour oper­a­tor — run by a cer­ti­fied Nat­u­ral­ist for the state of Alas­ka — offers a friend­ly and fas­ci­nat­ing way to explore some sur­pris­ing depths of the Alas­ka wilder­ness. Options include pri­vate tours rang­ing from 5 to 7 hours that explores the sights of British Colum­bia and the Yukon


Zipline Tours View All

Rock Climbing, Rappelling & Ziplining


Bicycle Day Tours View All

Cycle on Trails & Roads • Single- and Multi-Day Trips

Season: Mid-May to Mid-September $899+ 3 - 12 days

Sock­eye Cycle offers fab­u­lous­ly in-depth trips that stretch across the state, and even into Cana­da, and last any­where from 3 to 12 days. Cycling around Alas­ka is spe­cial in a few ways. The roads can some­times be quirky, and some­times a lit­tle more rugged than a fresh­ly paved road some­where else. But on the oth­er hand, you‘ll like­ly get the road to your­self, so you can relax and spend more time enjoy­ing the scenery. These mul­ti-day trips offer a  ...more

Season: May 1 - Oct 1 $99+ 3 - 8 hrs

Some peo­ple love the view of Alas­ka from the side of a ship, or from above in a bush plane. But this cycle shop and tour oper­a­tor based in Haines and Skag­way proves that there’s noth­ing quite like the view of Alas­ka from atop two wheels, as you glide through the gor­geous­ly unique scenery. Its day trips are a fab­u­lous way for inde­pen­dent trav­el­ers and cruise pas­sen­gers to take a detour on their voy­age, enjoy­ing a dif­fer­ent pace and per­spec­tive on  ...more


Gold Panning Tours View All

Pan for gold & learn about Gold Rush history

Season: Late April – early October $119 2 hrs

Walk the fine line between folk­lore and gold fever. The Liarsville Camp, near Skag­way, was orig­i­nal­ly named after jour­nal­ists who came here dur­ing the Klondike Gold Rush and cooked up all man­ner of tall tales. The event begins with an all-you-can-eat feast in the for­est. Then explore the old trail camp and fin­ish off your day with a vis­it the Fan­cy Goods store. You can also have your pic­ture tak­en with one of the dance hall girls or the camp’s  ...more


Sea Kayaking Tours View All

Easy lake paddles • Sea Kayaking in the Lynn Canal • Departing from Haines

Season: May - September $135+ 4 hrs - 8 days

Guid­ed sea kayak­ing in Alaska’s South­east opens up the mag­i­cal world of water-based tour­ing. Glide through a marine envi­ron­ment with gor­geous views in every direc­tion, and many oppor­tu­ni­ties to spot wildlife – from eagles and salmon to bears, whales and sea lions. Options include day tours for busy sched­ules and mul­ti-day immer­sions, all under the expert guid­ance of nat­u­ral­ists who help you under­stand the com­plex work­ings of a unique and amazing  ...more



Flightseeing & Guided Hiking
Season: May - September $409 2 hrs

Tak­ing a TEM­SCO heli­copter tour shows off the Gold Rush lands around Skag­way in a new light, reveal­ing gor­geous, glac­i­er-filled val­leys, tum­bling water­falls and peak after icy peak at the north end of the Juneau Ice­field. Then land on a remote glac­i­er for an excit­ing guid­ed jour­ney on ice that was formed thou­sands of years ago!


Photography Tours View All

Capture Wildlife & Scenery. Tours are Flexible ranging in 4-6 hrs

Season: May - September $104+ 2.5 - 6.5 hrs

With bald eagles, bears, and gor­geous scenery, as well as fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture and his­to­ry, these tours out of Skag­way and Haines offer an up-close expe­ri­ence with insights from knowl­edge­able local guides. There are sev­er­al options, includ­ing wildlife and nature tours that focus­es on find­ing and learn­ing about wildlife, a pho­tog­ra­phy tour where you get the chance to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, raft­ing, and some fun sight­see­ing tours  ...more


Dog Sledding Tours View All

Glacier Dog Sledding in Summer

Season: May - September $599 2 hrs

Board a TEM­SCO flight that whisks you thou­sands of feet above sea lev­el to the Den­ver glac­i­er and a dog mush­ing camp hid­den away on a snow field. Lis­ten to their cho­rus of ener­getic bark­ing before tak­ing off with their mush­er across the glac­i­er. After the demon­stra­tion, you will make your way over to cud­dle the future Idi­tar­od cham­pi­ons, puppies! 


Water Taxis View All

Transportation between Haines & Skagway via the Fast Ferry

Oper­at­ing from May to Sep­tem­ber, this pri­vate fer­ry ser­vice is the eas­i­est and fastest way to trav­el between Haines and Skag­way. The 45-minute ride pass­es through Taiya Inlet, a steep-walled rocky fjord just out­side of Skag­way, and then opens up to the Lynn Canal near Haines. As you ride, look for seals and sea lions, as well as hump­back, minke, and orca whales. Don’t for­get to look up from the water from time to time to check out the  ...more


Museums & Cultural Centers View All

A good place to start any tour of Skag­way is the for­mer White Pass and Yukon Rail­road Depot. This mas­sive, col­or­ful struc­ture, built in 1898, was a dom­i­nant part of Skag­way life until 1969, when rail­road oper­a­tions moved to the WP&YR’s new build­ing two doors east. The old depot is now the Nation­al Park Ser­vice Vis­i­tor Cen­ter, where vis­i­tors can enjoy movies, walk­ing tours and oth­er activ­i­ties dur­ing the sum­mer. Although the tracks are now…  ...more

Housed in the cir­ca 1898 White Pass & Yukon Route Rail­road Depot, the his­toric Moore house and the Mas­cot Saloon. Col­lec­tions con­sist of over 200,000 archae­ol­o­gy arti­facts asso­ci­at­ed with the Klondike gold rush and 3,000 copies of his­toric pho­tographs of the gold rush peri­od. Library and 100-seat audi­to­ri­um. Guid­ed tours, inter­pre­tive pro­grams, films and per­ma­nent exhi­bi­tions. Hours May-Sep: Dai­ly 8am-6pm Admis­sion No admis­sion fee,…  ...more

Skag­way’s unique his­to­ry as a vital trans­porta­tion cor­ri­dor and gate­way to inte­ri­or Alas­ka and the Yukon is por­trayed in the arti­facts, pho­tographs and his­tor­i­cal records of the past cen­tu­ry. The Muse­um is locat­ed in the town’s mag­nif­i­cent City Hall, this is the first stone build­ing in Alas­ka, built with gran­ite from Cana­da that was trans­port­ed on the WP&YR Rail­road. On dis­play are items such as a Tlin­git canoe, a Port­land Cut­ter sleigh,…  ...more


Plays & Performances View All

This West­ern melo­dra­ma ris­es above the stan­dard fare with a fast-paced crew of semi-pro­fes­sion­al actors and a script that tells Skagway’s true, out­law his­to­ry dur­ing the tumul­tuous days of the Klondike gold rush and Jef­fer­son Ran­dolph Soapy” Smith, the out­law and con man who is the town’s most infa­mous pioneer.


Points of Interest View All

Here is access to the Dyea town­site, Skag­way’s neigh­bor­ing town dur­ing the Klondike Gold Rush days. Around 8,000 peo­ple lived at Dyea. You’ll find remains of a wharf, foun­da­tions of some build­ings and Slide Ceme­tery, which con­tains the graves of those killed in the Palm Sun­day Avalanche, April 3, 1898.Visit inde­pen­dent­ly, mak­ing the rough­ly 25-minute dri­ve from Skag­way. Or, join a guid­ed tour with Rain­bow Glac­i­er Adventures.  ...more


Skagway Rafting Tours View All

Kayak around a scenic lake or take a scenic raft trip through a bald eagle preserve

Season: May - September $104+ 2.5 - 6.5 hrs

With bald eagles, bears, and gor­geous scenery, as well as fas­ci­nat­ing cul­ture and his­to­ry, these tours out of Skag­way and Haines offer an up-close expe­ri­ence with insights from knowl­edge­able local guides. There are sev­er­al options, includ­ing wildlife and nature tours that focus­es on find­ing and learn­ing about wildlife, a pho­tog­ra­phy tour where you get the chance to enhance your pho­tog­ra­phy skills, raft­ing, and some fun sight­see­ing tours  ...more
