Photo Credit: Caribou Lodge Alaska

Wilderness lodges in the Mat-Su Valley are a perfect base camp for your Alaska trip. Experience the thrill of a fly-in adventure to a remote lodge with breathtaking views of a private lake, or embrace the tranquility of a lodge nestled in the forested backcountry. These lodges offer a wide range of activities, from fishing, hiking, to rafting, ensuring an unforgettable Alaskan adventure.

Wilderness Lodges

Wilderness Lodges

Season: May - September $785+ fly-in fishing day trip, $1,495+ overnight all-inclusive 1 - 6+ Nights

Explor­ing Alaska’s back­coun­try lakes, forests and rivers is a phe­nom­e­nal expe­ri­ence. Wilder­ness Place Lodge — tucked away on a remote riv­er north­west of Anchor­age — offers excel­lent access to near­ly any fresh­wa­ter fish you came to Alas­ka for, along with a unique eco-trav­el expe­ri­ence that comes with a high lev­el of ser­vice, a vari­ety of non-fish­ing activ­i­ties and the mel­low free­dom to cre­ate an Alaskan expe­ri­ence that suits your own taste.

$800 full day fishing, $1570+ all-inclusive multi-day packages 8 hrs - Multi-Days

The North­woods Lodge is a remote lodge where vis­i­tors can find them­selves in a 45 minute flight from Anchor­age. The lodge spe­cial­izes in guid­ed fish­ing, and guests can enjoy 8 to 10 hours of fish­ing a day if they choose. Guides help you spin or fly fish for tro­phy king salmon, sil­ver and sock­eye salmon, or res­i­dent rain­bow trout, arc­tic grayling and north­ern pike

$1230 / person for 2 nights | $370+ Fly-in Day Hike

This fly-in lodge on a pri­vate lake in the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains is a great place to unplug. It is also an ide­al des­ti­na­tion to escape the crowds as the lodge only accom­mo­dates small groups of 10 or less. Take guid­ed hikes to look for wildlife and enjoy nature, kayak, go fish­ing, pick wild berries, or just relax and enjoy the peace and bliss­ful views.

[{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"}]

Wilderness Lodge Itineraries

$4,995+ per person
4 night / 5 day
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

This pack­age com­bines the most impres­sive aspects of inte­ri­or remote Alas­ka; flight­see­ing, glac­i­er hik­ing, dog sled­ding, fish­ing, pho­tog­ra­phy, and a deluxe Alaskan lodge. Play hard by day, then wine and dine your­selves to a bliss­ful sleep in your pri­vate cabin.

Season: June 10 - June 30
$1095 per person
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

In just 24 hours you can expe­ri­ence an Alaskan float plane ride, an overnight in a deluxe wilder­ness lodge with a gourmet din­ner, and a taste of Alaska’s famous riv­er fishing.

$5,995 per person
6 day / 5 night
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

Com­bine the best of Alas­ka sum­mer expe­ri­ences (flight­see­ing, fish­ing, dog sled­ding, bear view­ing, and more) dur­ing the month around sol­stice, when the weath­er is warm and there is 24-hours of daylight. 

Season: June 12 - Aug 15
2 – 5 Nights
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

This amaz­ing adven­ture com­bines two wilder­ness lodges, fine cui­sine, a float plane ride, heli-glac­i­er tour and guid­ed riv­er fish­ing – all with­in a con­ve­nient 100-mile radius of Anchorage!

Season: June 10 - July 10
2 – 4 Night
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

Expe­ri­ence the best of June fish­ing at the remote, fly-in Wilder­ness Place Lodge where you’ll tar­get rain­bow trout, arc­tic grayling, and north­ern pike.

5 Days / 4 Nights
Land Package Type: Guided Backcountry Adventures

This tour com­bines a scenic float-plane trip with relaxed days fish­ing and float­ing along dynam­ic rivers. It’s ful­ly guid­ed and out­fit­ted, so you can sit back and enjoy all the activ­i­ties along with com­fort­able accom­mo­da­tions and superb meals. You also glamp” it for a night at an even more remote loca­tion that lets you tru­ly get away from it all.

[{"slug":"mat-su-valley","title":"3 Days in the Mat-Su Valley"},{"slug":"talkeetna","title":"Talkeetna"}]