Photo Credit: Music of Denali Dinner Theater

Alaska Plays & Performances

From large-scale touring productions to local and youth theaters, there’s always an eclectic mix of plays or performances showing in theaters around Alaska. In Anchorage, for instance, you can hear the Anchorage Symphony, or experience Native Alaskan dance at the Alaska Native Heritage Center. In the summer, the cultural options only multiply: there’s usually free outdoor music at various parks, evening entertainment at local pubs, and colorful line-ups of entertainment at the annual festivals that fill the season’s calendar.

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Plays & Performances


Even in the end­less day­light of Alaska’s sum­mer, you can check out the auro­ra bore­alis in Auro­rA — Alaska’s Great North­ern Lights.”

Per­se­ver­ance The­atre cre­ates pro­fes­sion­al the­atre by and for Alaskans. Found­ed in Juneau in 1979 by Mol­ly Smith, the The­atre has since grown into Alaska’s flag­ship pro­fes­sion­al the­atre, serv­ing near­ly 15,000 artists and audi­ences each year. Despite being a com­mu­ni­ty of only 30,000, and only acces­si­ble by boat or plane, Juneau has proven to be an ide­al home for the The­atre. Com­mu­ni­ty vol­un­teers help build our sets, run our pro­duc­tions and staff…  ...more

ACA is one of the largest per­form­ing arts pre­sen­ters in Alas­ka. Pre­sent­ing a wide spec­trum of per­for­mances, it’s the largest res­i­dent com­pa­ny that uses the city’s Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts (known to locals as the PAC), home to both the Atwood Con­cert Hall and the Dis­cov­ery The­atre. ACA also presents the Sum­mer Con­cert Series, secret shows, pop-up con­certs and in-home con­certs at var­i­ous loca­tions around Anchorage.

$15 40-Minute Film

Wit­ness Sitka’s incred­i­ble wildlife on the big screen in this 40-minute film expe­ri­ence that reveals the unseen won­ders and secret con­nec­tions that make Sit­ka a world class des­ti­na­tion. Sitka’s Hid­den Won­ders” is shown exclu­sive­ly at the Col­i­se­um The­atre in Down­town Sitka.

From Elton John to Mot­ley Crue, from the Lord of the Dance to Dis­ney on Ice, from the Harlem Glo­be­trot­ters to Jeff Dun­ham, the Carl­son Cen­ter is Fair­banks’ — and Inte­ri­or Alaska’s — pre­mier enter­tain­ment and sports facil­i­ty. With its 35,000 square foot are­na, the Carl­son Cen­ter is host to con­certs, con­ven­tions, tradeshows, and sport­ing events. It is home to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Alas­ka, Fair­banks Nanooks Ice Hock­ey Team, the Fair­banks Griz­zlies Indoor…  ...more

Season: May 18 - Sept 14 $90

Re-open­ing in 2022. Please vis­it our web­site for oth­er activ­i­ties avail­able dur­ing your stay. The Cab­in Nite Din­ner The­atre, per­formed out of the Denali Park Vil­lage, offers a true-to-life Gold Rush tale of Alaskan adven­tures in the ear­ly 1900s. Enjoy songs, dance, humor, and a large fam­i­ly-style meal topped off with berry cobbler.

From local plays to Shake­speare­an the­atre, sym­phonies to jazz, spelling bees to whale tales, the Alas­ka Cen­ter for the Per­form­ing Arts hosts pro­duc­tions year-round in their mul­ti­ple venues.

Season: Mid-May to Mid-Sept $69.95

This show at the McKin­ley Chalet Resort tells the sto­ry of the first ascent of Mt. McKin­ley. Laugh, eat, and be mer­ry while the actors and actress­es do dou­ble-duty as your servers for an all-you-can-eat meal of salmon and ribs.

This West­ern melo­dra­ma ris­es above the stan­dard fare with a fast-paced crew of semi-pro­fes­sion­al actors and a script that tells Skagway’s true, out­law his­to­ry dur­ing the tumul­tuous days of the Klondike gold rush and Jef­fer­son Ran­dolph Soapy” Smith, the out­law and con man who is the town’s most infa­mous pioneer.

The Alas­ka Cen­ten­ni­al Cen­ter for the Arts was built in 1967 and designed to resem­ble a south­east Alas­ka trib­al hall. The masks on the out­side rep­re­sent ani­mal spir­its. Many peo­ple think the build­ing looks more like a birth­day cake, which is fit­ting since it was built for Alaska’s 100th birth­day. Some Fair­banksans also refer to the cen­ter as the Pick­le Bar­rel. The Alas­ka Cen­ten­ni­al Cen­ter for the Arts is rumored to be haunted.

Held in a mod­ern tra­di­tion­al Tlin­git clan house, these dances are pow­er­ful per­for­mances that kids love. The boom­ing echo of a drum, the smell of burn­ing cedar, the live­ly chant­i­ng, and the ener­getic dance moves make for a mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence. The 30-minute per­for­mances include a sto­ry and five tra­di­tion­al songs. The dance troupe includes per­form­ers of all ages, dressed in col­or­ful black and red blan­kets or tra­di­tion­al regalia. There are…  ...more

Keep your radio dial tuned to AM 890 for Home­r’s pub­lic radio sta­tion KBBI to keep apprised of what’s hap­pen­ing in town that you may find fun and enter­tain­ing. Local disc jock­eys also play good music, rang­ing from country/​western to jazz, pop, rock, folk and of course local music. Homer is blessed with so many great musi­cians, entire shows could fea­ture just local artists. Dee­jays also have details of upcom­ing events which they share between  ...more

Nome’s Gold Coast Cin­e­ma shows films Fri­day, Sat­ur­day and Sun­day, with mati­nees on both Sat­ur­day and Sun­day. The the­atre has first-run movies as well as inde­pen­dent films, and typ­i­cal­ly offers two titles per week. One quirk? Con­ces­sions include a Sub­way sand­wich shop, giv­ing you more options than just pop­corn and candy.

The Chilkat Cen­ter for the Arts is the cre­ative hub of Haines. The facil­i­ty fea­tures a 300-seat audi­to­ri­um that has host­ed every­thing from local children’s plays to a stripped-down ver­sion of the Moscow Sym­pho­ny. There’s a dance stu­dio where locals get togeth­er to prac­tice activ­i­ties like yoga, jujit­su, and bal­let. The cen­ter is also the home of local pub­lic radio sta­tion KHNS, which serves Haines and near­by Skagway.

Clap your hands, hoot and holler, and tap your feet — it’s all encour­aged when you attend a show by the New Archangel Dancers. Per­form­ing Russ­ian folk dances in Sit­ka for over 40 years, this all-female group has been ded­i­cat­ed to pre­serv­ing and cel­e­brat­ing the town’s Russ­ian her­itage since 1969. You’ll expe­ri­ence upbeat dances (with their emcee lead­ing a clap­ping audi­ence), as well as beau­ti­ful, serene, slow dances. There are char­ac­ter dances…  ...more

Pier One The­atre is pos­si­bly the best com­mu­ni­ty the­atre in Amer­i­ca or the world. Every sum­mer, actors” (just ordi­nary res­i­dents who are brave and tal­ent­ed enough to get on stage), per­form clas­sics and some new plays at the Pier One The­atre on the Spit every weekend.

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