Photo Credit: Yarin Feigenbaum

Moose Pass Day Tours & Attractions

Experience the wonders of Moose Pass with an array of captivating day tours. Delight in kayaking tours on glacial lakes as you enjoy scenic vistas. For an extraordinary sightseeing experience, take a short scenic flight. Or combine your kayaking adventure with a guided hike. Even in winter, Moose Pass has something to offer, with cross-country skiing available on several trails near campgrounds, or a guided snowshoe trek. It’s a delightful way to explore the snowy landscape.

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Sea Kayaking Tours View All

Season: May 19 -Sept 10 $89+ per person 3+ hrs

Scenic vis­tas, glacial lakes, and Gold Rush his­to­ry come togeth­er in the Moose Pass area, just north of Seward, mak­ing it an ide­al spot to kayak, pack­raft, and hike. Trav­el with the experts of Moose Pass Adven­tures and you’ll expe­ri­ence this mag­i­cal area on a day tour or overnight get­away to a back­coun­try yurt with an inti­mate group with expe­ri­enced, pas­sion­ate guides.

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Flightseeing Tours View All

Season: May 15 - Sept 15 $119+ per person 15+ minutes

With Scenic Moun­tain Air and you’ll be fly­ing over one of Alaska’s most beau­ti­ful areas from Moose Pass. Set on the Kenai Penin­su­la, 25 miles north of Seward, this cen­tral loca­tion makes it easy to explore icon­ic nat­ur­al fea­tures — like glac­i­ers, ice fields, and moun­tain lakes. Or, use their exper­tise to fly to remote pub­lic use cab­ins or lakes for fishing.

[{"slug":"moose-pass","title":"Moose Pass"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]

Guided Hiking View All

2.5+ hrs

Embrace Win­ter on an epic cold-weath­er snow­shoe trek out of Moose Pass, a small town on the Kenai Penin­su­la, in the heart of the Chugach Moun­tains. Extend the expe­ri­ence with an overnight or 2‑night stay in a hand­made, Mon­go­lian-style yurt on the shores of remote Grant Lake.

Season: May 19 -Sept 10 $89+ per person 3+ hrs

Scenic vis­tas, glacial lakes, and Gold Rush his­to­ry come togeth­er in the Moose Pass area, just north of Seward, mak­ing it an ide­al spot to kayak, pack­raft, and hike. Trav­el with the experts of Moose Pass Adven­tures and you’ll expe­ri­ence this mag­i­cal area on a day tour or overnight get­away to a back­coun­try yurt with an inti­mate group with expe­ri­enced, pas­sion­ate guides.

[{"slug":"moose-pass","title":"Moose Pass"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]

Winter Things to Do View All

A vol­un­teer-run event that cel­e­brates com­mu­ni­ty togeth­er­ness and good old-fash­ioned win­ter­time fun. The event is held on the last week­end of Jan­u­ary with a vari­ety of out­side events on Trail Lake, in down­town Moose Pass.

2.5+ hrs

Embrace Win­ter on an epic cold-weath­er snow­shoe trek out of Moose Pass, a small town on the Kenai Penin­su­la, in the heart of the Chugach Moun­tains. Extend the expe­ri­ence with an overnight or 2‑night stay in a hand­made, Mon­go­lian-style yurt on the shores of remote Grant Lake.

Most of the loops in the camp­ground are groomed for cross coun­try ski­ing. Start­ing with the main road into the camp­ground and cross the bridge to see beau­ti­ful win­ter views up and down the riv­er. To access the trails, park before the first road clo­sure gate just off of the Seward Highway. 

[{"slug":"moose-pass","title":"Moose Pass"},{"slug":"seward","title":"Seward Audio Guide"}]