Photo Credit: Moose Pass Adventures

Moose Pass Kayaking Tours

Kayak on the turquoise waters of Trail Lake or portage your kayak to nearby Grant Lake. Choose a guided option, or rent a kayak to explore on your own. Moose Pass is a quick 30-40 minute drive north of Seward, Alaska.

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Sea Kayaking Tours

Season: May 19 -Sept 10 $89+ per person 3+ hrs

Scenic vis­tas, glacial lakes, and Gold Rush his­to­ry come togeth­er in the Moose Pass area, just north of Seward, mak­ing it an ide­al spot to kayak, pack­raft, and hike. Trav­el with the experts of Moose Pass Adven­tures and you’ll expe­ri­ence this mag­i­cal area on a day tour or overnight get­away to a back­coun­try yurt with an inti­mate group with expe­ri­enced, pas­sion­ate guides.

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