Alyeska Restaurants & Spa

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Alyeska Restaurants & Spa

Mountain-Top Dining

A night at the Sev­en Glac­i­ers restau­rant, perched 2,300 feet above sea lev­el on Mount Alyeska, is a din­ing jour­ney that begins with a tram ride high above the tree­tops, fol­lowed by an ele­va­tor lift, then a stroll along a gold­en car­pet, past a glim­mer­ing, glass-and-steel, wine-tow­er wall and into a din­ing room radi­at­ing the col­ors of alpen­glow and glacial ice. Sev­en Glac­i­ers is one of only three AAA Four Dia­mond restau­rants in Alas­ka. You can  ...more

This self-serve restau­rant, locat­ed at the top of the moun­tain, fea­tures great scenery. Alaskan clam chow­der in a bread bowl is a pop­u­lar choice (about $7). Open 11am – 4:30pm dai­ly. Clos­ing time shifts with the sea­son, so call the hotel for cur­rent hours. Closed in Octo­ber — Mid-November.

In the Hotel

Enjoy atten­tive ser­vice and fun, com­mu­nal seat­ing options at this Asian Fusion find tucked away in the Alyeska Resort. Sushi lovers will appre­ci­ate the cre­ativ­i­ty and qual­i­ty of the menu, but will also be tempt­ed by the ben­to box­es, steak, and lob­ster offerings!

Locat­ed on the sec­ond floor of The Hotel Alyeska, this resort-run restau­rant offers some­thing for every­one, with Alaskan favorites and a chil­dren’s menu. Din­ner entrees include Alaskan hal­ibut Flo­ren­tine, roast­ed prime rib, and Alaskan seafood bouil­l­abaisse (all between $24 – $26).

Locat­ed on the third floor of The Hotel Alyeska, at the top of the Grand Stair­case, the Auro­ra Bar & Grill offers great views and great drinks. Alas­ka Amber is $5, Bai­leys and cof­fee is $7. The wide selec­tion of sin­gle-malt scotch starts at $7 for Sheep Dip and shoots up to $32 for 25-year-old Macallan. While not exact­ly a locals’ hang­out, it’s the sec­ond-best place to meet peo­ple who don’t live in Gird­wood. (The best place is the hot tub…  ...more

Daylodge Base Area

Alyeska’s Sitz­mark Bar and Grill offers alpin­ers the best of both worlds – day­time refu­el­ing between ski runs, and a fes­tive night­time hang­out with live music, open mic, triv­ia and movie nights. (The sum­mer sea­son has sim­i­lar offer­ings – just think après hike” or après bike” instead of après ski.”)


Relax and reju­ve­nate at the breath­tak­ing 50,000 sq ft indoor-out­door Nordic Spa nes­tled at the beau­ti­ful Alyeska Resort. Designed with sig­nif­i­cant con­sid­er­a­tion to the bore­al for­est, expe­ri­ence a cen­ter for well­ness and relax­ation that fos­ters con­nec­tion with nature, our­selves, and others.