Wrangell Public Use Cabins

Public Use Cabins

Pan-Abode cab­in with cov­ered front porch

This mod­ern, spa­cious cab­in is locat­ed on the road sys­tem, 11 miles south of Wrangell on the Zimovia High­way. Open year-round, it sleeps 6 – 8 and meets ADA dis­abil­i­ty require­ments. There is access to Newt Lake where a skiff and oars are avail­able for use. 

Vot­ed one of the Top 10 For­est Ser­vice cab­ins in South­east, this mod­i­fied A‑frame pub­lic use cab­in occu­pies a prime spot in the Stikine-LeCon­te Wilder­ness, over­look­ing the Stikine Riv­er delta. A short trail leads to LeCon­te Bay, where ice­bergs bro­ken off LeCon­te Glac­i­er can be spot­ted. It’s also a prime spot for watch­ing the spring shore­bird migration. 

16′ x 16′ cab­in on south side of Lit­tle Dry Island on Stikine Riv­er tideflats

12′ x 14′ Pan Abode style cab­in with cov­ered deck on front on west side of Sergief Island on Stikine Riv­er tideflats

12 foot x 14 foot hunter-style cab­in. The cab­in is 12 miles by float­plane or shal­low draft boat from Wrangell, or 7 miles from the boat ramp on the south end of Mitkof Island.

14 foot x 16 foot (4.25 m x 5 m) hunter-style cab­in with half-loft for stor­age & small wrap-around deck

This A‑frame pub­lic use cab­in lies eight miles north­east of Wrangell on the Stikine Riv­er delta, one mile south of Point Roth­say and walk­ing dis­tance to the town’s famous gar­net deposits. It sleeps six. Guests must pro­vide fire­wood, bed­ding and cook­ing uten­sils. The gar­net out­crop­ping is owned by the Pres­by­ter­ian Church in Wrangell. 

16ft x 16ft (5m x 5m) A‑frame cab­in with sleep­ing loft, par­tial­ly cov­ered porch. 

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[{"slug":"tongass-national-forest","title":"Tongass National Forest"}]