Photo Credit: Caribou Lodge Alaska

Talkeetna Hotels & Lodges

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Hotels & Lodges

Season: Feb 28 to Sep 28 Visit website for current rates

Built atop a high bluff, the Tal­keet­na Alaskan Lodge over­looks the Susit­na Riv­er Val­ley and sur­veys the entire Alas­ka Range, with Mt. Denali right in the mid­dle. On a clear day, all of the com­mon rooms plus cer­tain guest rooms offer this same fab­u­lous panora­ma. Take in the view as you enjoy a meal and a selec­tion from the award-win­ning wine list.

$1230 / person for 2 nights | $370+ Fly-in Day Hike

This fly-in lodge on a pri­vate lake in the Tal­keet­na Moun­tains is a great place to unplug. It is also an ide­al des­ti­na­tion to escape the crowds as the lodge only accom­mo­dates small groups of 10 or less. Take guid­ed hikes to look for wildlife and enjoy nature, kayak, go fish­ing, pick wild berries, or just relax and enjoy the peace and bliss­ful views.

Season: Mid-May to Mid-Sept $189+

This lodge offers spec­tac­u­lar views of Mount McKin­ley and is sit­u­at­ed with­in Denali State Park on the banks of the Chulit­na Riv­er. Rooms offer nine-foot ceil­ings and fans; some offer amaz­ing moun­tain views. When you’re not in your room, relax in the Great Room with its huge stone fire­place and floor-to-ceil­ing win­dows. Or, step out­side and stroll one of the three nature trails, either on your own or on a guid­ed, park ranger-led walk.

His­to­ry, fun, and mas­sive por­tions of food come togeth­er at this insti­tu­tion, which was built over 3 years start­ing in 1914. Choose from a vari­ety of cozy rooms in the main road­house and wake up the smell of fresh baked goods from the Kitchen in the morn­ing. Or, for a more pri­vate expe­ri­ence, book one of the cab­ins out back or the Muse­um Apart­ment at the end of the block. 
