Mat-Su Valley Gold Panning Tours

Explore the stunning landscapes of the Mat-Su Valley while immersing yourself in an activity that has captured the hearts of prospectors for generations. Pan for gold, guided by experts who will teach you age-old techniques. Keep any gold you find as a treasured memento!

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Gold Panning Tours

Season: May 11 - Sept 14 $150 4.5 hours

There’s still gold in Alas­ka, and you can learn from Denali Gold Tours what it takes to pan for the shiny flakes in pris­tine water near Trap­per Creek. Spend a half-day or full-day in the gor­geous Alas­ka coun­try­side with your guide, who will share old-timer pan­ning tech­niques and sto­ries from the dra­mat­ic days of Alaska’s gold rush.

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