Photo Credit: Kodiak Photo Workshop

Kodiak Photography Tours

Capture the beauty of Kodiak by joining a guide on a photography tour and workshop. You’ll fly or take a boat to destinations where you get the chance to capture the island’s most scenic spots and wildlife at the most optimal times of the day.

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Photography Tours

Season: June -  September $6,252+ per person 6 nights

Immerse your­self in a mul­ti-day Alaskan adven­ture that promis­es incred­i­ble views and jaw-drop­ping bear view­ing in Kat­mai Nation­al Park, along with a warm cama­raderie that only a small group expe­di­tion can cre­ate. Explore from your home base on the Island C, a research ves­sel that gets you close to the action while pro­vid­ing com­fort­able lodg­ing and deli­cious meals.

Season: Sep 18 to Sep 23 $6000 per person 5 nights / 6 days

On this six-day, all-inclu­sive sum­mer­time expe­di­tion, you’ll head to gor­geous Kodi­ak Island with Dan M Lee and Jes­si­cal Hay­dahl, two pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phers spe­cial­iz­ing in Alas­ka. Your small group tour includes two brown bear view­ing fly-outs and a marine wildlife tour. You’ll come away not only with bet­ter tech­ni­cal skills, but you’ll also learn how to think out­side the box in order to cap­ture the sto­ry behind the image, and how to document  ...more

Season: Sep 14 to Sep 17 $7,850 per person 3 nights / 4 days

Stay at a lux­u­ry lodge near the Kodi­ak Nation­al Wildlife Refuge and spend each day view­ing Kodi­ak Brown Bears with your pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­ph­er guides. And you’ll be there for the famous Fat Bear Week, when bears are fat­tened up from hav­ing gorged on salmon all summer.

Season: Jul 20 to Jul 24 $5,650 per person 4 nights / 5 days

The Ayaku­lik Riv­er area is remote Alas­ka at its best — a fly-in-only area of West­ern Alas­ka with abun­dant wildlife and some of the most beau­ti­ful scenery in the state. Dur­ing this work­shop with pro­fes­sion­al pho­tog­ra­phers, you’ll cap­ture stun­ning shots and expe­ri­ence off-the-grid river­front camping
