Things To Do In Hope

Hope Day Tours & Attractions

Season: May 10 - Sept 15 $200 per person 3 hrs

Join Flow AK on a back­coun­try adven­ture with expert guides as you nav­i­gate the nar­row canyons and chal­leng­ing rapids of Six Mile Creek. With small groups and per­son­al­ized atten­tion, you’re sure to make new friends and unfor­get­table mem­o­ries. Just a short dri­ve from Anchor­age, this excur­sion is not to be missed!

$139+ 2+ hrs

Six Mile Creek is one of the most famous — and most chal­leng­ing — white­wa­ter runs in the entire state of Alas­ka. Your heart will be pound­ing and your mus­cles burn­ing as you pad­dle through rapids called Big Rock Drop,” Suck­hole,” and Let’s Make a Deal.”

Res­ur­rec­tion Creek is the site of the excit­ing sec­ond dis­cov­ery of gold on the Kenai Penin­su­la in 1888. Since 1895 this creek has yield­ed an approx­i­mat­ed 30,00040,000 ounces of gold. Itís been over 100 years since min­ing began at Res­ur­rec­tion Creek, but it is still a pop­u­lar site for recre­ation­al gold pan­ning. There is a half-mile stretch avail­able for recre­ation­al gold pan­ning that starts 4.5 miles from Hope, at the Res­ur­rec­tion Pass Trail…  ...more

Pan­ning for gold with a life­long min­er. One-on-one atten­tion — no big groups. And of course, plen­ty of gold. That’s what you’ll get at Gold Rush Peck, in the town of Hope. This is the real deal and it’s worth tak­ing the time to vis­it if you’re in the area. You won’t find a more authen­tic gold pan­ning attraction.When you arrive at the rus­tic tent next to the Hope Min­ing Muse­um you’ll choose from three dif­fer­ent buck­et sizes – $20, $40, or $60 –…  ...more


Hope Parks & Trails

Difficulty: Moderate Distance: 2 miles Elevation Gain: 3600 feet

This fam­i­ly-friend­ly, 2.5‑mile trail climbs 3,600 feet to a sum­mit halfway between the sea and the heavens

Palmer Creek and the road that fol­lows it were named after George Palmer, who in 1894 first dis­cov­ered gold on its banks. The creek was the site of ear­ly plac­er min­ing and lat­er lode min­ing. Evi­dence of the his­toric Lucky Strike and Hir­shey mines, as well as the Swet­mann camp, can be found along trails that lead to Palmer Lakes. Sev­er­al hik­ing trails are acces­si­ble from the Palmer Creek Road.
