Gates of the Arctic Parks & Trails

Nestled in the Arctic Circle is the Brooks Range—an untamed wilderness that offers unparalleled backpacking experiences with the best off-trail hiking in the state. For a great wilderness adventure here, take a backpacking tour or go rock climbing through the Arrigetch Valley.

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Parks & Trails

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 22 miles

Camp beneath the icon­ic Arrigetch Peaks — a great des­ti­na­tion for back­pack­ers and hard­core climbers alike. 22 miles min­i­mum — 12 miles one-way from the float plane drop off to the Arrigetch Val­ley. Once in the val­ley, there are many options for day hikes or even climbs, if rock climb­ing is your objective.

A great a‑to‑b” style back­pack­ing route that allows back­pack­ers to move through a large por­tion of the Brooks Range. After a cul­tur­al­ly inter­est­ing start in the vil­lage of Anak­tu­vuk Pass, trav­el­ers are treat­ed vast, trail-less wilder­ness, stun­ning views of snow­capped peaks and a high like­li­hood of close encoun­ters with Alaskan wildlife.

Difficulty: Difficult Distance: 65 miles

Find out why the Brooks Range is known to have the best off-trail hik­ing in Alas­ka. You can choose to trek the entire route from the vil­lage of Anak­tu­vuk Pass to the Dal­ton High­way or the abbre­vi­at­ed route by char­ter­ing a flight to Sum­mit Lake and pro­ceed­ing in either direc­tion. This trip is exclu­sive­ly off-trail hiking.

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