Photo Credit: Ginia Love

Best Places to Shop in Fairbanks

At the Great Alaskan Bowl Company, one of the last operational bowl mills in America, you can browse beautiful birch bowls and other locally made products. And the legendary Santa Claus House is just a short journey away in the enchanting town of North Pole. Head there to discover holiday magic year-round, personally connect with Santa through a heartfelt letter, or become the proud owner of a deed to one square inch of the whimsical North Pole.

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Watch crafts­men turn birch logs into heir­loom bowls, browse some 1,500 Made in Alas­ka prod­ucts or cus­tom design your own laser engraved bowl while at the Great Alaskan Bowl Com­pa­ny. Start­ed over 20 years ago, this fam­i­ly-run busi­ness is one of the last oper­a­tional bowl mills in Amer­i­ca, and it thrives because of the qual­i­ty prod­ucts and large selection.

What­ev­er your cloth­ing and gear needs are, you can find top-qual­i­ty prod­ucts — along with advice from Alaskan experts — in this long-run­ning fam­i­ly-owned store with loca­tions in Anchor­age, Fair­banks, and Kodiak.

It’s Christ­mas year-round in North Pole, Alas­ka at the San­ta Claus House, just 20 min­utes from Fair­banks. The San­ta Claus House is a fron­tier gen­er­al store and post office turned hol­i­day shop. The postal tra­di­tion lives on — offi­cial let­ters from San­ta are post­marked from the North Pole and stamped with an offi­cial San­ta seal. The store also has live rein­deer, a cof­fee shop, hol­i­day gift items, the world’s largest San­ta stat­ue and, in summer  ...more


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