Elfin Cove Day Tours & Attractions

Parks & Trails View All

Difficulty: Easy

A short boat ride to George Island brings chances to see whales and marine life along the way, fol­lowed by inver­te­brates at low tide and a love­ly walk through a beau­ti­ful tem­per­ate rain­for­est to an his­toric site that still has gun emplace­ments left over from World War II.

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Fairs & Festivals View All

4th of July is Elfin Cove’s biggest com­mu­ni­ty event, with every­one turn­ing out for some patri­ot­ic fun that includes a pan­cake break­fast, games and even a banana slug race!

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Museums & Cultural Centers View All

Elfin Cove Muse­um has pre­served arti­facts that illus­trate how past res­i­dents lived and thrived in this remote com­mu­ni­ty. A stroll through the col­lec­tion turns up a trea­sure trove of mem­o­ra­bil­ia: from cloth­ing and house­hold items to fish­ing tools and old World War II field telephone.

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Shopping View All

Find items from cloth­ing to mus­tard, fish­ing tack­le to pot­tery and pho­to postcards. 

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Historic Parks & Sites View All

Difficulty: Easy

A short boat ride to George Island brings chances to see whales and marine life along the way, fol­lowed by inver­te­brates at low tide and a love­ly walk through a beau­ti­ful tem­per­ate rain­for­est to an his­toric site that still has gun emplace­ments left over from World War II.

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