Alaska Land-Locked Salmon Fishing Spots

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Land-Locked Salmon Fishing Spots

Mir­ror Lake is a beau­ti­ful spot to relax, play, and pad­dle. Just off the Glenn High­way in the town of Chugiak, about 25 miles north of Anchorage.

MP 122.2 New Seward Hwy, off of Dimond Blvd in Anchor­age, Alas­ka. Stocked with arc­tic char, arc­tic grayling, and rain­bow trout.

Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble fish­ing spot off the Glenn High­way near Palmer, Alas­ka. There’s a small paved park­ing are at mile 37, and a trail down to the lake. Anglers will find rain­bow trout and land­locked salmon.

There are rain­bow trout and dol­ly var­den in Eklut­na Lake. Check with Alas­ka Depart­ment of Fish and Game for regulations.

Eas­i­ly acces­si­ble lake just off the Alas­ka High­way. Fol­low Jan Lake Road for about 14 of a mile. Rain­bow trout.

Pop­u­lar Anchor­age lake. There’s a fish­ing dock locat­ed on W. Dimond Blvd, as well as a larg­er park­ing area, play­ground, and pavil­lion locat­ed on W. 88th. Lake stocked with Rain­bow Trout.

Beach Lake is a local gem locat­ed in the Eagle River/​Chugiak area, 20 miles north of Anchor­age. Enjoy a qui­et, uncrowd­ed view of the Chugach Mountains.

MP 122.2 New Seward Hwy, Taku-Camp­bell Park. Bank access for fish­ing. Stocked with rain­bow trout and Chi­nook Salmon.

Annu­al­ly stocked lake for land­locked salmon (silvers/​coho) with­in the Matanus­ka Lakes State Recre­ation Area. You can reach the lake via the Matanus­ka Lake Trail­head or the Long Lake Trailhead.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. Mark Lake is stocked with Arc­tic char, Rain­bow trout, and land­locked salmon. Access this lake by depart­ing the Richard­son High­way onto Mead­ows Road. At mile 5.3 there’s a short trail to the lake.

Access Cen­ten­ni­al Lake by dri­ving Tuste­me­na Lake Road. There’s a sign for the lake on the left-hand side. There’s a sandy beach area and some spaces to park a vehi­cle or RV. There are no restrooms. The lake is stocked with land-locked salmon and rain­bow trout.

Anchor­age neigh­bor­hood lake stocked with rain­bow trout. There’s plen­ty of shore­line to fish from the beach. It’s also a pop­u­lar ice fish­ing spot in winter.

Delong Lake Park is a qui­et neigh­bor­hood lake locat­ed off of Jew­el Lake Road. There’s plen­ty of park­ing, adock is great for fish­ing, and it’s a pop­u­lar spot for kayak­ers and pad­dle boarders.

Stocked lake with­in the Don­nel­ly Train­ing Area. you must obtain a Recre­ation Access Per­mit (RAP) before fish­ing these stocked lakes, because they are on Army land. J” lake is acces­si­ble from the Richard­son High­way. Exit onto the Old Richard­son High­way at MP 256, then turn onto Windy Ridge Road. There is a small clus­ter of lakes, and 2 addi­tion­al lakes are acces­si­ble via short trails (Ghost Lake and Nick­el Lake).

Small lake stocked with rain­bow trout. Grav­el pub­lic access road is next to a pri­vate­ly owned ranch. 

Pop­u­lar in the sum­mer with locals for a swim. Fish­ing is catch and release only.