Seldovia Fairs & Festivals

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Fairs & Festivals

Music on the slough has become an annu­al event in Sel­dovia, Alas­ka. A home own­er on Seldovia’s icon­ic Slough sets up a band on their float­ing dock, and any­one can anchor up, pad­dle or watch from the bridge. It an awe­some boat and bridge par­ty, with excel­lent tunes pro­vid­ed by the band of the year. In true Alas­ka Style, the par­ty is tide depen­dent, so the date changes from year to year. 

Many peo­ple trav­el to Sel­dovia, across Kachemak Bay from Homer dur­ing sum­mer sol­stice for music, games, food, work­shops and fun dur­ing their three-day Sum­mer Sol­stice Music Fes­ti­val, a pop­u­lar out­ing spon­sored by the Sel­dovia Arts Coun­cil every year. Most events are staged in the Susan B. Eng­lish School audi­to­ri­um. There’s an open mic ses­sion for ear­ly arrivals Thurs­day evening and the main per­for­mances are Fri­day and Sat­ur­day. There are  ...more
