Pelican Parks & Trails

Hiking in and near Pelican is doable for independent travelers who enjoy rugged uphill walking and dramatic views. A very short steep trail goes up from Pelican, and another can be accessed across the water on Yakobi Island.

Please note that there are no local hiking guides. In the summer there’s a pretty good chance of encountering a brown bear, so plan to go with a friend and be bear aware.

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Parks & Trails

Explore Yako­bi Island’s lush rain­for­est on the 8‑mile round-trip Taka­nis Lake Trail (also known as Bohemia Trail). It begins at the mouth of Bohemia Creek and wan­ders through old-growth for­est, past two lakes, and an his­toric nick­el mine from the 1920s and 30s.

A short but stren­u­ous hike up Pelican’s moun­tain­side pro­vides great views of Lisian­s­ki Inlet. Climb 300 feet in half a mile and you’ll have your work­out in for the day. Take a friend and watch for brown bear!

Yako­bi Island’s Bohemia Basin, just 7 miles north­west of Pel­i­can, offers shel­ter, and a 4‑mile trek through old-growth for­est, past lakes, and an his­toric min­ing area. Plan to hike and camp out to ful­ly enjoy this rugged and remote part of the world.
